After changing our plans a bit due to Hurricane Isaac, Hannah and I headed to Typhoon Lagoon on Thursday, ready for a day of swimming, sun and sand!
When Hannah and I go to Disney we allow them to take care of all the transportation from the moment we land in Orlando until the moment our feet board the plane home.
Disney’s Magical Express is a free service that transports resort guests and their luggage to and from the airport. What a treat to check our luggage in Buffalo and not see it again until it’s delivered to our resort room. The same thing happens on the way home.
On this day like all others Hannah and I walked to the front of our resort and boarded a bus bound for
Typhoon Lagoon. It was a hot, hot, sunny day and a perfect day to spend together enjoying some water park fun! Visiting Disney in August is not for those who are bothered by the heat. Just standing still finds you melting in the heat and humidity that is Florida in August. We don’t mind it though and it’s worth it to us to take advantage of their
Free Dining Offer.
The majority of our pics from the day were captured on a waterproof camera but I also ventured out with my point and shoot a couple of times.
Hannah spent a good portion of the day wearing her life jacket. She’s becoming a strong little swimmer but due to the wave pool and the waves that flow into the inlets and create strong undertows she wore it without a moments complaint.
We went on a couple of water slides but spent the majority of the day just hanging out together in the shallow water and playing, playing, playing! Occasionally we ventured out into the wave area but those waves were fierce and we were both more comfortable in the inlet….or floating around the lazy river that circles the perimeter of the park. Check out the force of those waves!
Towards the end of the day Hannah decided to try out the kiddie slides where we were and quickly fell in love! She went down them over and over and over again! I would follow her to the line and make note of the bathing suit of the child in front of her so that I’d be close when she came down since I couldn’t see the top of the slide. This video shows how much fun she had but also gives you a good idea of the under tows as a wave had just come in from the big pool. Check out how much fun she was having!
Mmm…enjoying a popsicle on a hot summer’s day.
Ah, I’m melting! Auntie M, Hannah has learned the wisdom you taught your girls.
All buses from Typhoon Lagoon go to
Downtown Disney so we decided to stop there for supper and a bit of shopping. Hannah fell asleep on the bus ride over to DD so I found a comfortable bench in the shade, pulled out a novel I’d brought for just such times and she napped for an hour or so. A time to recharge her batteries. Unfortunately Mommy learned the hard way that I need to ensure Hannah drinks lots of water in the heat. In the parks we drank water constantly but I wasn’t as diligent at the water park as we were drinking apple juice and iced tea so Hannah’s tummy was a little sore when we arrived at DD. We found a place to sit for a bit, topped up her fluids and within about 30 mins she was good to go again!
Posing with the princesses outside the big Disney store.

When we first arrived at DD and Hannah’s tummy was off we went into the Disney store to cool off while rehydrating. She was approached by a cast member offering to sprinkle her with Pixie Dust but at the time it was just too much and brought my little sweetie to tears. Poor little lamb. We moved outside and found a bench to sit and cuddle while giving her sips of water and once she was better we ventured back into the store. At this time Hannah asked to find the Pixie Dust lady and was only too happy to be sprinkled this time!
Hannah requested we go to Goofy’s Candy Store and she caught the eye of cast members there and was soon holding samples in each hand. She was one happy little girl! She couldn't decide which treat to try first but based on the tell tale sprinkles stuck to her adorable rosebud lips, I'm guessing the chocolate and sprinkle covered marshmallow won out.
Now, for one of those funny kiddo moments. If you look at the picture above again you'll notice some AH-MA-ZING apples over Hannah's left shoulder. They are granny smith apples covered in Werther's Caramels and then dipped in crushed peanuts. Hannah and I shared one together the day prior to this while watching Beauty and the Beast at Hollywood Studios. While she was munching on her samples this day I ordered one of these apples sliced up. She didn't even hesitate to call me out!
Hannah's statement to Mommy, '
I know Mommy. That’s your snack after I'm sleeping!' Heehee....I told you she was a clever little girl and oh how right she was! These little beauties are one of Mommy's treats at Disney and I make no apologizes for them. After walking a bunch of miles in the blazing Florida sun while often carrying an adorable little princess, these are my treat while blogging. (My mouth is watering just looking at the picture!)
After purchasing Mommy’s indulgence we continued on. This is a traditional picture spot for us and many others. So traditional in fact that one of my dossier pictures that went to China was taken at this exact location!!
Our last stop of the evening was at Wolfgang Puck’s where Hannah enjoyed delicious spaghetti

and Mommy a delicious pizza!

Yummo! These restaurants honour the Disney Dining Plan so these were fully covered too. What a treat to go on vacation and not have to think about paying for food.
Can we stay at Disney? This time together is amazing and a blessing for both of us!!!