Shanny invited all those who were interested to capture 'A Day in the Life.'
Mary-Mia and I decided to join in on the fun! Basically you take a picture of what you're doing each hour of the day. Come along and enjoy just a tidbit of everything wonderful that is a day spent with Mary-Mia, Rod, Rose, Marie and Catherine!
7:00am - Rise and Shine! Marie was the first to wake this morning then Rose was up not long after her. We all hung out in Rosie's room having a jammie party while the girls enjoyed morning snuggles and stories with mamma and daddy.

8:00am - Excited About Preschool!The girls really like going to preschool and they have lots of fun there! See you soon sweeties. We'll miss you! xoxo

9:00am - Mmmm... Breakfast!Mary-Mia introduced me to a yummy little donut shop and we enjoyed donuts and coffee before hitting the stores.
10:00am - Grocery ShoppingAs we were wandering around the fruits and vegetables section of the store this cute little guy caught my eye. Isn't he fun?
11:00am - Getting Ready for Preschool Pick-upEach day before picking up the girls from preschool Mamma makes up little snack bags for the girls. Today she let me help out and it was lots of fun to choose special little treats for the girls! When they get in the car they're always so excited to see what in their treat bags and get excited about what they find. The magic recipe is to give them enough to keep them occupied and awake between preschool and home but just enough that they're finishing up as we pull into the driveway. Mary-Mia has it down to a science and I've learned it from her.
I cannot begin to tell you how many helpful tips and tricks I am learing from this AMAZING Mommy and friend!!!
12:00pm - Driving to PreschoolMary-Mia teases that she's addicted to Chapstick and has passed this on to the girls so they're kept well hidden at home. Getting ready for preschool pickup kisses!
1:00pm - Lunch!The girls were down for their nap so Mary-Mia and I took time for our lunch. While she worked on packing for an upcoming trip I whipped up a super yummy tuna sandwich and potato chip lunch. The recipe is Rod's mom's and it is fab-U-lous!! Thanks Linda!! Mmmmm!
2:00pm - Photo ShootLOL! This isn't too unusual a pic around here! Sad to say that between MM and I, combining our pics for these posts covered 4 memory cards from 4 different cameras! No wonder the girls hear clicks and see flashes in their sleep!

Nap time is also when we find a few minutes to check emails and quickly hit blogs. Working around the girl's nap schedule is a whole new world to me and one I cannot wait to embrace with Hannah!!
3:00pm - LaundryA busy mamma of two seems to always be playing catch-up when it comes to laundry.

This heaping basket is made up of only the little girl's laundry. I have a feeling my washing machine and dryer are going to be in for a shock when sweet Hannah comes home!
4:00pm - Cleaning the Carpets... Again... With Help???The girls have done really well with potty training but today was a rough one for Rosie. The house rule is that after 3 accidents you're going commando. (Going to remember that one! :o) I was cleaning up accident #3 or 4....we lost track...and the girls thought it would be a great time to catch a horsey ride. Can I tell you how much I love these two???
5:00 - Daddy's Home... And We're Outa Here!Rod had been away on a business trip all week and after the busy day we had with the girls Mary-Mia and I decided to head out for supper and enjoy a little time...away from the pee-pee accidents! :o) Here she's calling for reservations at a wonderful restaurant. 'Girls Night Out' here we come!!

When I went upstairs to get ready I laughed when I saw the condition of my room. Hmmm...I don't quite remember leaving it like this!

If there was any question about who my little visitors might have been, those questions were quickly answered as I took a closer look. The perpetrators had left their calling cards...6 'chewies' on my bed!
6:00pm - Ahhh... Girl's Night Out!!We enjoyed a delicious, quiet dinner and reminisced about the fun we've had this week.

Sadly I'll fly home tomorrow night but it's not a case of 'if' I'll be back but 'when.' That makes the parting so much easier!
7:00 - Playtime Before BedtimeDaddy had the girls all ready for bed when we got home from dinner. They were wound up and so excited to tell us all about the fun times they'd shared with daddy!

Rosie needed a little help up but Cafrin wanted to capture the moment first. Oops!
8:00pm - BedtimeWith daddy being home tonight it was mamma and daddy who settled the girls for the night. Sweet dreams baby girls. Tomorrow is another day of fun before us!
Speaking of's after 1:30am and I'd better get this post up. I didn't want to spend any time tomorrow on the computer when I could be spending it with my precious friend and the girls so I kept at it tonight. Better head...on monitor duty for one last night. *sigh!* Hmmm...wonder if those monitor signals will reach Canada? If so, hook me up for next week Mary-Mia!!
Thanks for a great day
sweet friend! This was fun!!!