Sunday we were up bright and early once again and ready for more fun! Today's park of choice...Epcot!

We were in line for the opening, had fun waving at the characters who were dancing in front of us and counted down to the opening...5-4-3-2-1...FUN! After grabbing a locker and putting away jackets and the girls fancy dresses to be worn at dinner that night, we were off! We joined the parade of people heading to '
The Land' in order to secure
Fastpasses for '
Soarin'! It sounds silly but I love being part of this little parade of people heading for a time of fun! There are cast members (anyone who works at Disney is considered a 'cast member') whose sole purpose at that time of the day is to wear Mickey gloves and wave at those passing by. As you enter 'The Land' you can hear pots and pans banging and whistles blowing as the kitchen staff from the local food court are there to welcome you too. It's just...Fun! We grabbed our Fastpasses, exited the building and were on our way. Destination?
Norway for
Breakfast with the Princesses!! (It was on this jaunt that we bumped into Mary Poppins!)
The sun was shining, we had a skip in our step (ie. we still had the energy to skip!) and we were on our way!
When we were summoned by name into the castle, we were greeted by Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) in her formal gown! (Rebecca left, Victoria right)

As we dined on a delicious breakfast of pastries, fresh fruit, eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes, Florida orange juice, coffee and much more we were visited by...Royalty!!


Snow White

and...the girls new favourite princess...Mulan!! I must agree with them on that one!

After a wonderful time with the princesses it was time to enjoy some rides! Soarin' is an amazing ride that is hard to describe but must be experienced! It's a not-to-be-missed in my books and many others too! From there we enjoyed many other rides and shows. One of my favourites is
Turtle Talk with Crush, where Crush actually asks kids in the audience questions and answers them! Here they were hamming it up for the camera as 'Bruce' ate them for lunch!

Another favourite ride is
Test Track! Having Victoria along brought out the 'brave' in Rebecca and it was fun to see her try new adventures each day! She tends to be on the timid side when it comes to things but her best friend was a great help! Rebecca and I have had the awesome pleasure of visiting Disney together a few other times but I must say, sharing it with Sharon and Victoria this time made it extra, extra special!! Hope we can do it again sometime - maybe when Miss Hannah is home!

(Some people have asked how our we're all related. Well, officially we're not but we share an amazing friendship that feels like family!! Sharon and I have been great friends since I was a teen. She's like the big sister I never had and I love the time that we share together - as any of you who have spent time here at the blog know. Victoria is her granddaughter. When Victoria was a baby I often babysat her when her parents were working weekends. She and Rebecca are 1 year, 1 week apart in age so when Rebecca was a baby, she would often see Victoria with me. From the time that Rebecca was only months old, I would do things with the 2 of them together and their friendship grew and grew to what it is today. They are the very best of friends although like to tell people that they are 'half fraternal twins'(???) Sharon and I love to watch them together as they are SO GOOD for one another. Loving each other. Supporting each other. And totally free to be what they want to be together! How thankful we are that God has brought the 4 of us together and that we were able to experience this awesome trip together!!)

The picture above is very typical of the two of them - totally spontaneous and oh so precious!!
The warm weather was a great treat for us and it was absolutely perfect!! The girls had fun cooling off (and getting quite wet) in the fountains.

Trying to fit in as much as we possibly could, before we had to leave for dinner reservations, we headed back to the countries for more fun and laughter! The girls couldn't decide which was funnier when we were at the
Mexico Pavilion...these huge sombreros

or these teeny, tiny hats!

The final country that we were able to visit was

The girls each had their name written in Chinese characters and I was able to get Hannah's name as well as buy a necklace (on a red cord!) with her name in Chinese. My sweet baby girl is never, ever far from my thoughts but those moments as we visited the China Pavilion, she was extra close.
I love you baby girl. Praying for you daily and antipating the day that God brings you and mommy together.Sadly our day at Epcot all too quickly came to an end. We discussed going back after supper (another post) but lets just say that by the time we'd sat down for supper, our feet were begging to be put to bed. After all...tomorrow was another day and the Magic Kingdom was waiting!!
Here is a sample of the fun Sharon and I enjoyed, watching the girls just being girls and having fun on the monorail. Sweet, sweet friendship for sure!