These flowers were a beautiful gift from my dad this week. What better way to celebrate this month's 37 month Hannah~versary than with flowers given to her Mommy by her Grandpa? A Grandpa who already loves her very much!
Here we are... another month closer to my baby girl and she's so close now that I'm starting to wake up with my heart racing as I consider that I'll soon be seeing my daughter's face for the very first time!!! I'm excited, thankful, anxious, frightened, and a wealth of other emotions are constantly flooding my heart and mind! After more than 3 years I'm just months away and can probably say less than 100 days away from receiving Hannah's referral!
With the excitement comes the 'What have I done with my time? I'm not ready!' feelings of minor panic as I consider what needs to be done to prepare my home for a baby that will be mobile when we get home. Yikes!! I received the sweetest email Saturday from friends who are planning a work day to come help me tidy my basement. Do you know there are people who really enjoy such things?? Who knew?? Not I, but I am oh so thankful for these precious friends who will help me organize and move things around. It's not in bad shape, it just needs organization and more purging. Thank you, thank you friends!!
Now Hannah's room....that's a different story! Her room has become a place to store many of the clothes, toys, equipment and other things that have accummulated over the past 3 years. People have been oh so generous and I have also started purchasing some things so that I'm not having to buy everything at the last moment. Add that to a room which already stored my scrapbooking materials and assorted 'stuff' and I have another
big HUGE project in front of me. My friend Deb came over in January and helped for a morning and we were able to organize some of the room. The fact that I can now walk in it even a little bit is because of Deb and her help. I'm too embarassed to show you pics yet but someday will show you the 'before' and 'after' pics.
So here we are, 37 months closer and bubbling over with excitement!! Rumours are out there that matching for the next batch of referrals has begun. I'll be doing a post about the matching room since it will soon be Hannah's file that they're looking at and matching it with mine. But, I'll leave those fun details for another time.
Thank you to all of you who are sharing this amazing journey with me!!! I am thankful for all God is teaching me during this time and for the amazing friends He has introduced me to too!
37 months closer! I love you Hannah! Mommy will be there soon!!!