I love the many faces of XiaoFen that the camera captured this day!!
Getting brave and touching the dirt
Oh no mommy - help me! I touched the dirt!
Taking time out to sign 'birdie'
Hi Mommy!!
That's All Folks!!
Off to clean my seat!
All that swimming makes little girls hungry!
We had lunch at the Pop Century food court, headed back to the pool for more splashing fun and then did a little shopping at a Carter's outlet and Walmart. There is just more selection in the US so Doris and I had fun buying clothes for our sweeties.
For supper we picked up Mr. D after his conference tried to go to the Olive Garden one final time and this time it worked out!! 3rd times a charm. We enjoyed a delicious dinner and once again the girls were oh so adorable and so good! They are both a treat to take out to dinner...even though Hannah's table manners might leave a little to be desired...not! :o) Check out the cuteness!!
Sadly it was time for good-byes as Hannah and I would be flying home the next day. Neither D nor I do good-byes well and there were tears shed but we were both oh so thankful for this gift of time that we had to share together with our amazing daughters. As much as we've been friends for years I know that we became even closer that week. Love ya D!
On our way back to the hotel Hannah and I stopped by Downtown Disney to pick up a last minute souvenir of our trip and then headed back to the hotel.
Hannah fell asleep on the way back to the hotel and I left her in the stroller while I moved around her and packed us up to leave in the morning. When I went to move her into bed around 9:30 I lifted her up and immediately knew she wasn't well. She was burning up and a quick check with the thermometer showed me she was sporting a fever of 39.6/103.2. (We found out later that week that she had another ear infection, probably caused by the teeth she was getting at the time.) I didn't have any Infant Tylenol with me but thankfully the resort store carried it so we went for a walk and picked some up. As per normal, Hannah was still her happy self even though she wasn't feeling 100%.
She slept for a couple of hours but when I took her temperature just before I went to bed it was even higher at 40/104o even though she'd had the Tylenol in her for 2 hours. (This particular batch has since been recalled and I've thrown it out and I wonder if it not bringing her fever down has anything to do with the recall?) I decided to give her a tepid bath even though it was the middle of the night and it did help to bring her fever down until it was time to give her more medicine. Poor little lamb!!
In the morning she still had a slight fever but nothing like what she'd had the night before. More Tylenol and it was time for us to head to the airport. Once again she was a trooper on the flights home and we ended our trip with me deciding where we could go next?! :o)
It was a last minute trip but oh what a successful one it was! Hannah's introduction to Disney is behind us...next Disney trip will be in November and this one will include Magic Kingdom and Epcot. We're going with both sets of her grandparents and I'm already excited about it!!