What a fun weekend! I shared Friday's fun with you earlier and now I can tell you a bit more about the gift that was purchased. For the past couple of weeks Sharon and I have been checking out snowblowers for her husband. I'll tell you something...that first flake hits the ground in Ontario and everybody sells out of snowblowers! We quickly discovered that when you saw one you liked you'd better grab it quick because someone right behind you was all set to buy it. Friday afternoon we finally found the one we were looking for at WalMart. I secured it by phone but the salesgirl was not allowed to put it on hold so she did her best and I hoped it would still be there when I finished work and made my way across town.

After work I quickly went to the library to switch vehicles with Sharon and began my trip to the store. Part way there I realized that in switching keys I also had her house keys! That wouldn't do when she was expecting a piano student before I would get home. So, back I went, we settled the key situation and I was on my way again. I arrived at WalMart to find the snowblower still there with my name on it (phew!) and made my way to the front of the store. It was fun to hear people's reactions as I pulled it behind me. I heard things like, 'Wow...somebody's going to be happy this Christmas!' and the like. At the front of the store a sales person pulled off the ISBN sticker and I joined a line. When I got to the front I gave the girl the sticker and said, 'This is one expensive piece of paper I'm holding!' She laughed and then scanned it. Her expression was priceless! She didn't know it was for a snowblower so hadn't expected quite that price to come up. She was shocked, shook her head and just laughed. It was the most expensive piece of paper she'd ever scanned too. It was fun just to see her reaction!
After the WalMart guys loaded it into the van I headed back to S&L's for supper. We hid the van in the garage and tried to figure out the best way to get it out of the van. Sharon decided she'd surprise Larry in the morning and we set to praying that it would snow. If you look very, very closely you can see that our prayers were answered but I'm thinking she could have bought a broom and it would have done just fine with the amount of snow we got Friday night! Oh well, winter is coming and that always means snow. I'm sure it won't be too long until Larry's new toy gets its first workout!
Saturday afternoon Mom, Dad, Rebecca and I headed north for an early family Christmas party. My cousin and his wife rented a chalet and it was wonderful! There were almost 30 of us there and still lots of room. The kids had their own room to trash....err...play in and the adults visited in the large living room.

Children and adults alike also enjoyed the indoor/outdoor pool! Rebecca (Don't you love that toothless grin?!) had taught herself how to swim one day this summer (yes...literally in one day at an adoption picnic we were at. She wasn't going to be the only little girl with a floatie on so she decided that day was the day to start swimming. She never looked back!) I tried taking her into the outdoor part of the pool but she wasn't impressed! My cousin Sean and I loved it. Imagine...you're surrounded by trees laden with snow, more snow falling gently on our heads and yet...we're in a pool! How cool is that?
It was a great time with family and one I hope will become an annual tradition! Many of us will be together in Windsor at Christmas time but my dad's aunt and uncle visit with their family at Christmas so don't normally go to Windsor. We all enjoy spending time with Uncle Bob and Aunt Edla so I'm glad Sean and Trish organized this celebration!
On the way to the party Rebecca and I watched, '
March of the Penguins.' If you haven't had an opportunity to see it, I highly recommend it. Fascinating and the scenery is breathtaking! (I'm guessing on the scenery part as it lost a lot being displayed on a 7" screen in the car but it appeared to be amazing!) It's a documentary style but one that can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. If you want to treat yourself to a family movie night, then this is a movie to rent.