Ugh! I messed up!!
Before we left CA I did a load of laundry and put about a TBSP of Tide in the water. I knew Hannah’s system didn’t like Tide but figured such a little bit in a large load would be okay.
I was wrong!!
Thursday night I put her in the pjs that had been part of that load as we made Monkey Munch for the cottage. 
She woke up in the middle of the night scratching like crazy and when I turned on the light she was covered in hives everywhere under the pjs. Oh no! I immediately gave her Benadryl and covered her with Benadryl gel. Within minutes all signs of the hives were gone. A quick change and all was well.
The following morning we were off to the cottage to visit with my parents for a few days. I’m pretty sure the shorts I put on her must have been the only other item in that load that I hadn’t rewashed. Ugh! When we got to the cottage her little legs were itchy under the shorts so once again I changed her and vowed to be more careful.
Little did I know that later that day she would wrap herself in a blanket at the cottage – that had been washed in Tide. By now her little body was in attack mode and her system went crazy! It was quickly evident that Benadryl wasn’t going to touch it this time and we were off to a local ER. In the 15 minutes it took to drive there she quickly went from bad 
to much worse!! Her entire body from head to toe looked like this!
As we sat in the ER waiting room praying they would call us soon she got so bad that others in the room were telling us to go in front of them and she was screaming in pain and begging me to get her medicine. It was beyond itchy and she was clawing at herself to try and get some relief. We were both in tears as I went to find her some help. Thankfully they jumped us to the front and took her right in. It was a blessing that my sweet baby girl fell asleep waiting for the doctor to come see her.

We were all keeping a close eye on her airway and thankfully even though her face was affected her airway was never jeopardized. Thanking God for that!

They gave her a combination of 3 different medications – Benadryl, Steroids and something else I can’t remember and that worked. She drifted off to sleep again and rested peacefully for the 3 hours it took for the mediations to take away every hive on her little body. Even though her airway was not affected I can tell from this picture just how swollen her face was. Poor lamb!!
At one point she just had one little spot on her face but they were not even considering releasing her until that was gone too. In the end we were there close to 6 hours before she was well enough to be released shortly after 4AM. The doctor sent us home with 2 prescriptions to fill in the morning and instructions to return to the ER if the hives came back. They classified her as a ‘Rare Paediatric Emergency’ for this area and something they don’t see often. That says a lot when we are in prime vacation country and there are a lot of children’s camps around too. I cannot say enough about the hospital in Huntsville! They were wonderful with her from start to finish!!
It was a short night for my little trooper but Saturday morning she showed little signs of the trauma other than a slightly swollen face and hospital bracelet on her ankle.
We headed back in to town to fill the prescriptions and wash everything in the cottage with the ‘Hannah safe’ detergent we use at home. Grandma took up residence in the Laundromat while Bec Bec, Tor, Hannah and I did a little running around.

Early in the afternoon Hannah began to ask for her back to be scratched and I soon realized we’d be headed back to the ER based on the doctors instructions. As had happened the day before, she quickly broke out again. Poor little sweetie! Once again I used electronics to try and divert her attention a little from the scratching until the doctor could see her.

This time by the time the doctor came, the meds I had given her a little more than an hour earlier had begun to take affect. He reviewed her case, changed up her doses a bit and added one new prescription to hopefully avoid any further outbreaks until her body could get regulated again. We’re hoping with her medicine cocktails that she’s taking a variety of 4 times a day for the next 4 days, will hopefully help us avoid any further outbreaks. 
This picture was taken only 3 hours after the one above. What a wonderful difference!
As I write this it’s now Monday evening and Praise God Hannah has been hive free since Saturday afternoon!!! We’re being super cautious around people and not really touching others. It’s hard but Tide is so common that we need to be careful until her little body is regulated again. I was able to extend my vacation by 2 additional days so we’re still visiting my parents at the cottage they rent each July. A wonderful place to recuperate from the weekend.
I need to call our family doctor when we get home and have him refer us to an allergy specialist again. This time I’m going to ask him to test her for a Tide allergy specifically as I’m 99% sure that’s what’s causing this. My theory is based on the location of the hives always starting under clothing that has been washed in Tide and also that I can’t really think of anything else we’ve changed. Time will tell and I’ll keep you posted.
Until then, thanks to all who were aware of what was happening and were praying for my sweet baby girl. Your prayers were answered and she’s had a great couple of days!