Our normal first ride at AK is Kilimanjaro Safaris and it did not disappoint. The animals were up and active and it’s always fun to see what ones will come close to the truck. Our driver was wonderful and we learned lots of new things about the animals.

There are about 50 animals displayed on this map and she knew exactly where it was! Hannah seems to have a real memory for pictures and places and I know this gift will be helpful during her life! This is the animal we saw. I can’t remember what it’s called but I think if I ask Hannah she’ll remember!
One of the rides I’ve longed to go on since it was built was Expedition Everest but it had never worked out. This trip with Nana allowed me to opportunity to ride as she stayed with the girls and what fun it was! It’s on my ‘to do’ list again when Hannah gets tall enough to ride it!
We made our way to DinoLand and enjoyed a few of the offerings there. A ride on Triceratop Spin is similar to Dumbo without the wait.
Next it was on to The Boneyard for some playtime. Bec Bec was amazing the entire trip and here she happily ran through the playground with Hannah. That doesn’t sound like much but it was hot, hot, HOT (100oF plus high humidity this day) and the Boneyard is in the sun so she was a big helper when she offered to go with her. It was fun but we didn’t stay long as it was just too hot to let the girls run around for long.
Our next stop was a treat for so many reasons. We went to see ‘Finding Nemo: The Musical’ and it was AMAZING!! The immediate bonus was that it was in an air conditioned theatre but aside from that the show is breath-taking!! It’s hard to describe but it’s a bit of a play but done with huge puppets. I really can’t describe it but here’s a little snippet of it.
Hannah sat for the entire 40 minute show with her eyes glued on the stage and the action taking place around us. If you have the opportunity to visit AK please don’t miss this amazing show!!
We slowly wandered (well, some wandered while Hannah hitched a ride and spritzed herself with a water fan)
It’s cute because Hannah talks about the show and about her part and then she says, ‘I want Mommy. Wahhh!’ and does a little pretend cry. This is followed by, ‘Next time, I want to walk with shaker’ so she wasn’t traumatized.
The show was followed by some character time. On days when fans like this could be found all over the park,
I felt bad for the characters! Thankfully they’re not out for long before they head to the back for a quick snack.
Mrs. Bunny
and Minnie
At this point Hannah crashed in my arms as we made our way to the bus stop. I transferred her to Rebecca before we boarded and you can see that this didn’t interrupt her nap in the least!
That night for supper we had reservations at my favourite non-character restaurant, the Kona Cafe located in the Polynesian Resort. They have a teriyaki steak there that is melt in your mouth delicious!! For dessert I chose a chocolate fondue that Hannah was only too happy to help me eat!
I guess it’s comes as no surprise that a bath was in order when we returned to the room!