Here are a few of my favourite pictures of Grandma...
Surrounded by most of her children and their spouses last month at her 90th Birthday celebration.
My mom, Grandma and Aunt Marg in April of 2006

This one always makes me smile! If you knew my dad and grandma, they always loved to tease one another. It began early on when dad started dating mom and the teasing never stopped. She always had a broom on the front porch for sweeping it and without fail, whenever we were there dad would 'hop on' and say 'Hey Crabby, (his love term for her) it's trying to take off with me!' Or, 'I saw you fly by the other night!' She swat him, shake her finger at him and then give him a peck on the cheek. Sweet, sweet memories!

To make this even more special. Grandma's broom (which Dad had put his name on years ago) was one of the items that was spared when she lost her home to the fire last fall. Just Wednesday my aunt remembered to give it to him so Grandma's broom is safely tucked away in Mom and Dad's van. Somehow I won't be surprised if the next time I go to visit mom and dad, Grandma's broom is standing tall in the corner of their porch.

Grandma loved to laugh and loved to have a good time. When I asked her to pose for a picture last year she felt it would be best if she showed a little leg!

Oh Grandma. I love you and miss you already!! xoxoxoxo