Tricia is a beautiful young gal whose blog I found about 2 months ago and immediately her story found a place in my heart. Her adorable hubby Nate also has a blog and writes often.
Today they received a call that could change their lives forever and I'm asking you to please pray that all goes well.
You see, Tricia was born with Cystic Fibrosis and is now a beautiful young lady, 24 years old. Last fall just as Tricia was preparing to be placed on a transplant list for new lungs, God worked a miracle in their lives and they conceived a child. Beautiful, teeny-tiny Gwyneth Rose was born at just 24 weeks gestation, almost 12 weeks ago. Although a micro-premie, Gwyneth Rose continues to grow weekly and is absolutely adorable!
What happened tonight that has potential to change their lives forever is that they have received a call that there may be a new set of lungs on the way to Duke Hospital for Tricia!!! The transplant team is flying out of state to examine the lungs and if they are a good match, Tricia will be prepped for surgery early tomorrow morning.
Please pray for this precious family. If you want a pick-me-up, just take a moment to read some of Nate's blog and you may very well find yourself laughing right out loud! Their love for the Lord is amazing and they are trusting God to work miracles in the lives of their family. All 3 of them are currently living at Duke Hospital. Tricia, who is at this time permenantly on a ventilator and Nate on one floor and precious Gwyneth Rose in the NICU just a couple of floors away.
Please pray that the lungs will be a perfect match, for the transplant team, for all involved with the transplant, Nate, Gwyneth Rose and also for the donor's family who lost a loved one today.
**Update - 6:30am**
Last night's sleep was full of thoughts of Tricia and I woke often to pray for her. I was saddened to read when I woke up this morning that the lungs were not a good match for Tricia so she continues to wait. I ask that you please continue to keep this precious family in your prayers as her wait for new lungs continues. Please pray that she will stay healthy so that when lungs are available she will be able to have the life-saving surgery. God is in control and I know she and Nate are trusting Him. Continuing to pray.