Friday, October 31, 2008
Hannahbug Tradition Continues

just for fun
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Mail that Gave Me Goosebumps!!

In July I was advised that Ministry Approval had been granted and I now have until June of 2010 to complete Hannah's adoption. I believe she'll be home long before then but it sure is a great feeling to know that the extension was granted. (When I first started her adoption the provincial approval to adopt was for 18 months so with the delays I needed to update some paperwork and reapply to the ministry twice for reapprovals.) I tell you, there is nothing like reading, 'Once the adoption is finalized, 'ON' legislation recognizes the child as a full member of the adopting family and as such the child is treated in the same manner as all other children of legally constituted families.' Sweet, sweet words during this time of waiting.

Speaking of referrals, the next batch is anticipated to arrive within the next week or so. Bring 'em on!! Friends are very close and will be receiving their referrals this time so I'm ready to celebrate with them!
Paperchase #2,
the wait
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
High School Musical 3!

Adventures of R and V
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Girls Weekend Away
What a great way to spend a weekend: hanging out with friends, scrapbooking, sewing, reading, watching movies, napping and of course, eating! Tina's mom and a friend also come along and we're so glad they're there with us. We bring most of the food but these sweet ladies help prep the meals and do all the tidying after the meals so that we can get right back to our projects. Thanks so much Louise and Linda! We're so glad you share these weekends with us.

I was also able to fit in some scrapbooking time as well as finally take care of some long overdue paperwork. Life has just been busy lately and work is going to stay that way for the next 6 weeks or so so it feels so good to take care of projects that have been hanging over my head.
Hope you had a great weekend! Ready for some referral rumours and even better...referrals!
Also, praying for D and A as they travel this week to meet their precious baby girl! SO excited for you friends!! Praying for you.
Bloggy Friends,
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Celebrating 31 Months Closer to Hannah!
It has been an absolutely crazy busy month and has flown by. Work is busy, home life is busy and to top it off I'm in the middle of a small home reno which I've looked forward to having done for years and is finally happening. I teach piano in the evenings and currently my piano is in the family room upstairs which is really just an open concept room with the kitchen, eating area and family room all together. It was going to make things challenging for the babysitter when I was teaching and Hannah was hungry so moving the piano to the basement will be really helpful. (I'll do a post on the teaching studio renos when they're all done.) It's really exciting to be doing something so tangible in preparing for Hannah to come home!! Just moving the box with her crib in it from one side of the basement to the other made my heart beat faster last week. I like to think it was because of the excitement that the box actually contained the crib my baby girl will sleep in but I think a good part of it was also that the side of the box said 'Weight 97lbs' :o)
31 months closer and celebrating! Praying daily for my baby girl who I believe is now living on the other side of the world. May she know love, comfort and so much more as we wait for God to bring us together. Mommy loves you baby girl!
PS: It's now 9:15am and I just returned from a doctor's appt. Can I tell you it gave me goosebumps to book next year's follow-up appt. taking nap time into consideration as I'll be off on maternity leave with my baby girl?!! Wheee!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sh0ck and Awe
Monday, October 20, 2008
50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration!
Mom and Dad will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on November 8th! Since they're heading to the sunny south for the month of November (smart people) we decided to celebrate with an open house in their honour this past weekend. It was wonderful to see many of their family and friends come and celebrate with them.

They were wonderfully surprised when some family drove over 4 hours just to spend a little time and celebrate with them. (l to r) Uncle Greg, Uncle Gerry (mom's brother), dad, mom, Aunt Elaine and Aunt Marg (mom's sister.) This was the 2nd time that this group surprised mom and dad!

Other family surprises were:
Our cousin Sean. I asked he and Dave to stand closer together for the picture and this is what I got!

Our cousin Tommy and his wife Sharlotte.

Dad's Uncle Bob and Aunt Edla.

Dad's cousin Brett with his wife Linda and daughter Mallory.

Dad's cousin Craig and his wife Jo.

Finally, pics of our gang:
Dave, Trish, Makenna and I with mom and dad

Rebecca with Grandma and Grandpa

Dave and Trish's 3 boys Josh, Noah and Justin (Unfortunately I missed beautiful Laken in these pics as she was behind the camera. Sorry sweetie.)

Grandpa and Miss Makenna. A little out of focus but precious none the less!
Dad being silly with the balloons.

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad. Sorry we're not going to be with you on your big day but Dave, Trish and I are so happy that we were able to share this celebration with you!
They were wonderfully surprised when some family drove over 4 hours just to spend a little time and celebrate with them. (l to r) Uncle Greg, Uncle Gerry (mom's brother), dad, mom, Aunt Elaine and Aunt Marg (mom's sister.) This was the 2nd time that this group surprised mom and dad!
Other family surprises were:
Our cousin Sean. I asked he and Dave to stand closer together for the picture and this is what I got!
Our cousin Tommy and his wife Sharlotte.
Dad's Uncle Bob and Aunt Edla.
Dad's cousin Brett with his wife Linda and daughter Mallory.
Dad's cousin Craig and his wife Jo.
Finally, pics of our gang:
Dave, Trish, Makenna and I with mom and dad
Rebecca with Grandma and Grandpa
Dave and Trish's 3 boys Josh, Noah and Justin (Unfortunately I missed beautiful Laken in these pics as she was behind the camera. Sorry sweetie.)
Grandpa and Miss Makenna. A little out of focus but precious none the less!
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad. Sorry we're not going to be with you on your big day but Dave, Trish and I are so happy that we were able to share this celebration with you!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Fall = God's creation showing off!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Please Pray **Updated**
Update Friday, October 17th
Thank you SO MUCH for praying!! It has been a rough week for my friend and she has faced some very scary times but we believe the doctors have a good handle on her situation and she is on the mend. Please continue to pray for them as they deal with the emotional loss of their son and as she continues to heal both physically and emotionally. Thank you!
I'm posting this on behalf of a friend who is facing a difficult time and she asked me to share this with you and ask for your prayers.
My friend has recently suffered a difficult loss. She was more than half way through her pregnancy and found out suddenly last week that there was a problem and to save her life they would have to deliver the baby. They were able to hold their son for short while before he went home. Their loss is great, their pain deep and they're asking for prayers.
An additional prayer request is that the delivery of this precious baby boy has still not cleared up the problems she was facing and the doctors are 'perplexed'. They anticipated the delivery would correct her problems so there are additional factors causing trouble that the doctors are still trying to figure out. Please pray for her health as well as the wisdom of the doctors as they do their best to help my friend out.
Love you friend. xoxo Praying.....
Thank you SO MUCH for praying!! It has been a rough week for my friend and she has faced some very scary times but we believe the doctors have a good handle on her situation and she is on the mend. Please continue to pray for them as they deal with the emotional loss of their son and as she continues to heal both physically and emotionally. Thank you!

My friend has recently suffered a difficult loss. She was more than half way through her pregnancy and found out suddenly last week that there was a problem and to save her life they would have to deliver the baby. They were able to hold their son for short while before he went home. Their loss is great, their pain deep and they're asking for prayers.
An additional prayer request is that the delivery of this precious baby boy has still not cleared up the problems she was facing and the doctors are 'perplexed'. They anticipated the delivery would correct her problems so there are additional factors causing trouble that the doctors are still trying to figure out. Please pray for her health as well as the wisdom of the doctors as they do their best to help my friend out.
Love you friend. xoxo Praying.....
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!

Our family enjoyed our turkey dinner this afternoon with those who were able to attend. It was a small group but we had fun. This year we were thankful for the wonderful addition to our family...sweet and precious Makenna! She's 5.2 lbs now but I'm sure will quickly be on her way up the scales. It's funny to see her swimming in size zero diapers although it does make for many clothes changes throughout the day. She's wearing premie clothes and they're a little bit for her but I'm sure they won't be for long.
Here are a few of my favourite pics of the day...
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Officially Confuzzled!!

Is it true? If so, what does it mean? Do we dare whisper the words speed-up??? It might be nothing but RQ is pretty cautious about posting things until shes heard from a few sources and, there is a comment from someone who says she either got 'the call' from her agency or was told to prepare for it soon. It's a little hard to interpret what she's said so I guess we'll just have to wait for more clarification tomorrow.
I have a few friends who are really close to referral: Donna (2/17), OziMum (2/22), and PIPO (2/24). So excited for all of them and this news just makes it much better!!
Ooooo...tomorrow will be a fun, fun day!
Monday, October 06, 2008
She's a Teeny, Tiny Little Peanut!!
Here are a few of my favourite pics from the day.
Makenna also shares her birthday with some other special little ones! Her cousin Keenan turned 4 today. Happy Birthday Keenan!
The oh so adorable Rose and Marie turned 3 today!

Today we also celebrate sweet Charla's 2nd birthday! This is the first birthday she is celebrating with her family after joining them just before Christmas last year. Charla's mom Dawn and I met while she was in the China line and I am SO thankful that we did! She is a wonderful friend and my life is blessed because she is in it! Happy Birthday Charla!
What a wonderful day to celebrate so many great kids!!!
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