Wow...I'm speechless! I just had the awesome privilege of sharing a weekend with the greatest of people! We laughed, we cried, we loved, we shared from our hearts and more than anything we grew closer together and some precious, precious friendships became even more special than they were just 3 short days ago! (l to r in photo above, Mark and Michelle, Catherine, Joel and Kathy, Doris and Dan)
Doris and Dan were the hostesses with the mostesses and them some! So giving, loving and welcoming. Their home was our home for the weekend and I know any of us could show up on their doorstep unannounced and the welcome mat would be put out for us! Thank you so much Doris and Dan! You're THE BEST!!
Kathy and Joel live just one town over and this weekend deepened the precious friendship that we already share. We've really only known one another for 6 months yet already are very important people in one another's lives. I'm so thankful to have you as neighbours and look forward to many, many more wonderful and memorable times together.
Michelle and Mark and I didn't know one another too well before the weekend began but now...wow! It's amazing how a weekend together can cause us to grow closer than we ever thought possible in a short period for time. I am so very thankful for your friendship M&M and look forward to many great times together in the future!
Over and over on the way home, Kathy, Joel and I commented to one another how perfect the weekend was and how well we all got along. Looking forward to the next one already!
(Pic below...(back row l to r: Joel, Kathy, Francis, Stephan; middle row l to r: Mark, Michelle, Elisa with Thomas on her lap, Julie, Jarrod; front row l to r: Dan, Doris holding Daisy, Catherine)

Another bonus this weekend was meeting new friends too!
Elisa and Jarrod and their adorable son Thomas are waiting for precious Zoe's referral. They share a log in date of November 7, 2005 with
Julie and Stephan and their great son Francis who are waiting for Naomi's referral. We're all hoping they will be announcing their referrals within the next few weeks! It was so nice to meet all of you and I look forward to the next time we're in Montreal and are able to get together with your families including your precious daughters!
We enjoyed one another's company and many of you, our bloggy friends, were part of our conversations and we often said how we wished there was a way for all of us to get together. Since it's not possible we talked about you (in a good way!) as old friends do and chatted as if we'd known one another for years. The IA bloggy community is the best and you were part of our weekend in our hearts.

There is so much to share that I think I'll do it in a bunch of small posts. One of the neat things that happened before we left was that Dan took all of our memory cards, downloaded them to his computer and cut a CD of pics for each of us. It will be fun to see which ones each of us choose.
Thanks again D&D, K&J, M&M...Love you all and miss you already!!!