Don’t you just love the kind of friends where spending quality time together means just hanging out enjoying being together? That’s what Hannah and I did last weekend and it was wonderful! Saturday night a group of us got together and enjoyed the first really warm Saturday of the spring. We sat outside and munched on yummy appetizers and BBQ burgers! The kind of afternoon we look forward to all winter long.
Hannah napped most of the way there so took a few minutes to get her groove on but once she did there was no stopping her! Here she is waking up slowly and taking it all in.
Hannah and Ben are the best of friends and it’s so neat to watch them play together now as they have real conversations and actually play together. How fun it’s been to watch their friendship mature!
There were 5 toddlers there and all had a great time playing together but unfortunately I didn’t pull out my camera until they were hanging out in their diapers so those pics are saved for just the parents. You’ll just have to trust me though that they were beyond cute running around together and it was emotional for us as there were days when each of us wondered if we’d ever have children. To see all our kiddos together brought tears to more than one mommy’s eyes!
Sunday we woke to more rain (so much rain this May!!) but by early afternoon the sun broke through and the rest of the day was beautiful. The day started with an appetizer of yogurt on the couch while Ben’s mommy prepared breakfast for us. Hannah thinks this is pretty cool since yogurt at home is eaten in her high chair so she’s all grown up here eating it on the couch!
While waiting out the rain we went for a visit at a local paramedic station where we had a connection. The kids thought it was neat getting hooked up to the heart monitor and oh yes, the lights and sirens led to much jumping, shouting and squeals of delight!

After naps we loaded into the car and set out to enjoy an evening of free fun. Unfortunately the hosts of the event advertised really well and staffed poorly. There was a great turnout but the line-ups made it impossible for us to participate in most of the events. There were free pony rides but with only 6 ponies to be ridden and a line-up of 60 kids (15 mins after the event started!) we decided to skip that. We headed inside hoping to beat some of the crowds to the other events. Ummm….nope! There were 2 clowns creating balloon animals and each had a line-up of 20+ kids waiting. It was the same for all of the activities which was too bad as there were a lot of disappointed kiddos walking around. Thankfully Hannah and Ben were too young to really understand what was happening. The one thing they were able to enjoy was the petting zoo which comprised of 4 little pens with about a dozen animals. Hannah got right in there and had fun feeding the goats. She continually amazes me at her willingness to try new things. There’s no way I was like this as a kiddo but my girl enjoys all kinds of stuff.
Hi donkey!

Monday dawned bright and sunny once again (a wonderful treat as the weekend had been forecasted to be rainy most of the time). The day began with yogurt once again and this time Hannah mixed it up by dining in a box! 
From there the kiddos headed outside for some final moments of play before Hannah and I went home. They found the cooler filled with cold water (I know it was cold as they decided to pour little cups of it on my legs as I tried to take pics) and had a blast! I love watching them play and seeing how everything is an adventure and it’s all about having fun with one another and what is around them!
Ben, we had a fabulous weekend with you! Please tell Mommy and Daddy thanks from us and let them know that we’re already looking forward to our next weekend of fun with you!