As much as lugging the car seat around the airport takes more effort it sure is worth it for us! Our take off was delayed (again) by almost 2 hours and then had a 4 1/2 hour flight to Cleveland. The next time she woke up was as we approached the gate in Cleveland and her first question was, ‘Mommy, when are we going to fly?’ Heh!
We had a 3 1/2 hour stopover so it was great to take our time and explore. We’d hoped to meet up with a family whose daughter had shared the same room with Hannah in DaoXian in 2009 but unfortunately strep going through their house nixed that. Hopefully another time!
Hannah and I shared a little breakfast together and then she was treated to her very first donut ever. Mmmm! She’s had donut holes in the past but never an entire donut. Oh happy day! She licked off 1/2 the icing and ate only a couple of bites but she was in her glory! It was fun too that she chose one that matched her pj’s!
After getting her dressed we headed to our gate. As we waited they made an announcement about the flight being oversold and they were looking for 1 person to offer their seat and they would fly out 7 hours later. I didn’t give it much thought at first as I wasn’t sure how we’d spend another 7 hours in the airport but then I thought about it a little and we decided to go for it! They were offering a $600 travel credit, good for a year and that would pay for about half our flight to California again next summer. This year we’d travelled on air miles and I wasn’t sure how I’d come up with the cash for next year’s flights but now part of the answer was right there in front of us. A quick phone call to Auntie Michelle and Uncle Mark who were picking us up in Toronto and off to the podium we went. I offered our seats and made sure that they had room for the 2 of us on the next flight. Sure enough they did so we did it! We delayed our return in exchange for the $600 credit! Wheee!
As we waited for the gate agent to make up the voucher we met a wonderful family who were preparing to go on an Alaskan cruise. Hannah chatted with their ‘kids’ (ages 20, 18 and 14) and ran about a bit (we were in a quiet part of the airport) while I worked with the agent. You can imagine my shock and surprise when she showed up with not one but two travel vouchers, each for $600!! Wheee….we can go back to California next July for sure! M3 was excited to hear the news too so we’ll be headed to California to celebrate the 4th of July with our dear friends once again!
Next we set off to explore the airport some more. We found a bookstore and Hannah enjoyed reading here for more than an hour. As much as my girly is go, go, go, I also love that she can sit quietly and get lost in a good book!
Our adventure took us up and down elevators and along long concourses and tunnels as we explored what was around. We had also been given lunch and supper vouchers so we found a place to enjoy some lunch.
Tower building is always fun!
Her short night’s sleep soon caught up with her and as much as I tried to convince her she was done, she’d have nothing to do with it. She’s one determined little girl. You need to know it all ended well.
Down for the count. She slept snuggled in her stroller for over 3 hours.
I met back up with the family we’d met earlier and snapped this pic with her friend Dan. He was such a sweet guy and she loved teasing him. We also enjoyed giving them our 2nd meal voucher as there was no way we needed any more food. It was fun to share what was shared with us!
Hannah woke up just in time for our flight home and our extended stay was deemed a huge success! We’d enjoyed extra time together, read stories and played with some toys and before we knew it it was time to go. Operation ‘Earn Flights for 2013’ was a huge success and our vouchers are tucked safely away at home.
We love to travel and spend time with amazing friends but it’s also good to be home! The last time we passed under this sign was when we flew home from China!!!
Waiting for our ride. Thanks M&M!!
Another successful trip under our travel belts! Thanks for a great visit Salsa Family! Until next year!!!
One of the things I love about your blog is your amazing optimism! You took something that anyone else would no doubt take as a HUGE inconvience (especially with a toddler!) and not only made the best out of it, but enjoyed it! It's so refreshing to see! Give yourself a pat on the back for always choosing to make the best of any situation and loving every day with Hannah!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Shauna! I really do try to see the positive in situations and the neat thing is to now see Hannah begin to have the same reaction when things happen. Love that and, love spending time with my sweetie...all the time!! Sorry tonight that our 2 weeks together is drawing to a close and tomorrow it's back to daycare for her and work for me. We did have a GREAT 2 weeks though!!
DeleteThat is awesome news about the travel voucher, and double awesome that you got one for each of you! Love that you were able to have little adventures and meet new friends :)
ReplyDeleteSweet pic by the Canada signage in the airport, and what wonderful memories it must have brought back!
YAY for the flight vouchers! not a bad payment for 7 hours of your time. Plus that video of Hannah falling asleep in the restaurant is soooo worth the extra time spent in the airport! By far the funniest thing I've seen in a long time :)
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with Shauna's comment! I was just thinking the exact same thing! YOU are so positive and calm and that attitude is one that Hannah picks up on. The two of you have the greatest adventures and turned this into a way to make sure you can have a Salsa 4th of July in 2013! And, in the process got to spend time together! I am really, really impressed with how you travel, how you juggle everything, how you are optimistic and how Hannah just goes with the flow so easily! Kuddos to you, Mom!!!
ReplyDeleteThere is absolutely nothing you and Hannah can't do. I admire you so much! Most people wouldn't dare spend an extra seven hours in an airport with a three-year-old, but you made it look so easy! I would have done the same thing for those vouchers! In fact, I tried in Paris last year. They were all set to offer me and my three daughters $800 cash, EACH! Plus hotel and meal vouchers, to stay an extra day. We were all over it, but it turned out they didn't need the seats after all. We still lament. I'm glad it worked out for you!
ReplyDeleteKudos to you - voucher or not, I don't think I would have been able to stay in the airport for 7 hours.
ReplyDeleteGlad you are home safe and sound.
I am still laughing at that video!