- Chinese name
- Date of Birth
- City & Province
- Orphanage/Foster care
- Basic Information
Yes, as you've read the list you'll notice that her picture is not included. :o( I understand my agency's reasoning (confirming her availability with China; translating all medical information etc.) but it will still be SO HARD to wait those additional few days to see Hannah's sweet face!!
A time will be set up to go to my agency a few days after referral to receive the rest of her information and most importantly, finally see the face that my heart already loves!!!
Many agencies provide pictures right away so I wanted to share with you what will happen for Hannah so that you can be ready too.
On the bright side it will be another special moment, unlike ANY OTHER that I will get to experience!!! What will it be like to gaze into my daughter's eyes for the very first time????
I'm sure you can't believe this is finally happening!! We saw our daughter's picture the day after we got the referral information. Our agency emailed it to us. I remember seeing her little face appear on the computer, bit by bit as the pictures opened. There were 3 pictures. All I can say is that from the very first moment I saw her face, she looked so familiar to me although I'd obviously never seen her beautiful face before. Can't wait to hear all about the next few days... enjoy!!
ReplyDeleteHi! I found my way to your blog via being a fan of the Salsa in China blog. (And my husband and I are in the early stages of working toward an adoption from China as well.) Just wanted to say that I'm SO EXCITED for you and I'll be cheering with you when you soon get your long-awaited referral for Hannah!!! And I agree that that sounds frustrating to not get a photo of your little girl right away-what a difficult wait!
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited for you! As for us, we did see our Tongginator's photo right away, but it was more like an "oh, so THIS is going to be my daughter - she's kinda cute" moment rather than a "I've known this face my whole life" kind of moment.
ReplyDeleteoh Catherine... I am just so so happy for you... i know waiting to see her beautiful face will be hard, but I also know YOU... you will wait in JOYFUL anticipation. God I am so so thrilled for you!
ReplyDeleteOk - thanks for clarifying. I was wondering how it all works. Every agency is a little bit different.
ReplyDeleteAnd really . . . what's a few more days when you've already THREE WHOLE YEARS!!!!!!! :)
i am sooooo stinken excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletei haven't been following your blog for very long, as you know, but did you put down about what age you'd be willing to except? Ex. 0-12 months?? Just curious...but I do guess i will find out sooner or later, won't i!!!
i can't wait to see her face either!!!! her picture is probably floating around in the air RIGHT THIS MOMENT with YOUR name on it!!! EEK!!
so. stinken. excited!
i remember the first time i looked at the face that belonged to my MEI MEi. nothing in the world quite like that moment. and i can only imagine that it will intensify that much more when it is your DAUGHTER!!
I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to hear you've finally received your sweet Hannah's info!
ReplyDeletewhat a bummer you don't get to see her face immediately -but like you said, it will be yet another sweet moment to savor!
WOW... I am soooo excited..
ReplyDeleteIt will be hard not to see her face.. but you will be that more excited in a few days..
BRING ON THE NEWS... we still will know what age and all the goodies.. so come on agency.. bring on the babies....
We are all waiting along with you..
Hi Catherine,
ReplyDeleteI'm with the same agency, and we received our referral for our daughter (in 2005) a full week after everyone else in your neck of the woods. (we live in the Atlantic region) I remember being soo mad and looking at all the pictures of everyone's child in our group. By the time we made our announcement on our yahoo group, the excitement had already faded. It was hard to feel part of the group!! I understand completely how you feel and I agree, you shouldn't have to wait for the picture. 2 adoptions later and I still don't agree with it.
Hey, maybe the referral countdown on the side you have will be the day you see Hannah's face then :)
ReplyDeleteStill so excited and refreshing your blog like crazy!
I am so excited for you!! Your life is such a flurry of activity right now and there is so much going on with showers and referrals...
ReplyDeleteI CAN'T WAIT!!!!
It is mega sucky but we too have to wait for the picture after our referral. Sometimes a week! Ugh...but a few more days...you can make it!
ReplyDeleteKeep smilin!
So excited for you...I can't wait!
ReplyDeleteBloglines still won't give me your updates, but wanted to stop in and let you know those of us at Chateau L are waiting for your referral, too...there are a lot of us who have been hanging on with you for a while and we're sooo excited.
ReplyDeleteBe prepared for your life to change and your heart to swell in ways you could never begin to imagine :)
Be well...
I've decided to simply keep your blog open in a second tab on my desktop,all day long, I was getting cramps in my clicking finger.
ReplyDeleteI too am trembling with excitement!
Hi Catherine,
ReplyDeleteI had to wait an extra week to see my DD's face (compared to my other group ) because I was out of province too. All I can tell you is that my dear sweet Natalie was worth the wait. Here's hoping you don't have to wait too much longer.
Take care. Its happenning.
I am just soooo excited for you!! I just cannot imagine having to wait to see her pic, even if it is just a few days!! It would be torture:) But, just think, by the end of the week, you will know your sweet Hannah AND have seen her precious face!!! Got goosebumps for ya over here!!!
ReplyDeleteDoesn't your agency know we're leaving on Friday??? I must see Hannah before we leave! (and yes...I did just make your 40 month wait for your daughter all about me! LOL!!! HAMD!
ReplyDeleteI keep refreshing your blog even though I KNOW it's practically the middle of the night and what agency would call in the middle of the night?! I can't help it though! Thanks for sharing the most exciting time of your life with us!
ReplyDeleteI too am very excited for you. Maybe today will be the day you learn about your daughter!! I had to wait for 4 days before I got my daughters picture. I was only told gender, birthdate and province(by mail). But just knowing that she is there, how old and that she is healthy, will get you through those days till you finally see her face.
ReplyDeleteI too am keeping your blog open - hope you hear something soon...
Hanne from Denmark
I'm sure waiting those extra days will be so tough but you'll also be a bit at peace knowing who she is. You hae a whole world waiting with you for the wonderful news.
ReplyDeleteNow if the dang phone would only ring.
We have the same agency. When you go down to the agency, bring your camera with you. Don't look at Hannah's picture until you get D to prepare to take your picture. The minute you look at Hannah's picture, D will take YOUR picture!!
ReplyDeleteHere's our picture of the SECOND I saw Brill's face for the first time!
So blinking exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Snick :)
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ReplyDeleteCatherine, our agency is the same and it was hard but in the end we had 2 surprises!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy and excited for you, waiting for the big announcement!!
It is sooo hard to wait to see that precious little face, but sooo worth it, too. We were with the same agency and had to wait 8 agonizing days after referral to finally see Thumbelina's face. I begged D to e-mail me a picture but she wouldn't. Praying with you that today will be THE day!!
ReplyDeleteI am sure that there are enough of us here who would be happy to come down to your agency and **cough, cough** talk to them. ;D Don't they know how long "we've" been waiting? Do they really want to tangle with this many women in the throes of labor? sigh. alright. I'll behave myself. If you can wait this longer and a little longer, so can I. But I don't want to, so if you change your mind....just let us know. I don't mind a little road trip.
ReplyDeleteSorry, but I think it's dreadful that your agency wont give you the picture straight away. I know it's a small delay, but to be so close to seeing her face and have to wait! Oh well, I guess after 4 years, another couple of days wont be so bad.