Following the unwritten but oh so understood agreement of ‘Thou shalt post no bathing suit pics without signed in triplicate permission’ I give you a few pool side/fully clothed pics. Note: The adorable little kiddies were excluded from the above clause as they’re just so cute in their little swimmies!

Mali catching some serious air time playing ‘jump’ in the pool! I think we did this about 30 times before we were through!

Admiring one another’s choice of swimming vest.

Sweet, sweet Maisie who was happiest just getting her legs wet.

Friday night poolside grabbing a photo op of the Friday night gang. Oh yah…the par*taying had begun!
What a fun all made the rest of us jealous;)
ReplyDeleteThose pool pics of you & Mali are my favorite . . . she was having so much fun. I didn't post any only b/c I was honoring the 'bathing suit' rule =) I wish I had the upper body strength to toss her around like that! I'll have to start lifting weights or something.
ReplyDeleteSaw the video on Tracy's blog last's great! I cryed through really get a feel of how much everyone cares for each other.
ReplyDeleteYou've made a bunch of great friends!
Cute stuff!
ReplyDeleteI just don't get tired of looking at all of the pictures. I just watched the video AGAIN. I miss everyone so much!
ReplyDeleteIt was so fun talking with you and watching you and Mali play in the pool. Sheere pleasure in both her eyes and yours! Can't wait for you to get your daughter. Keep smilin'
ReplyDeleteGreat pics - looks and sounds like Mali had a ton of fun playing with you. You're gonna be a great mom Catherine! :)
Wonderful pictures :)
ReplyDeleteAwe!! Love the pool picks!!
ReplyDeleteI love watching the video and seeing the pics. Feel like I was there....oh wait, I kindof was. LOL!!
ReplyDeleteI just love seeing it on all of our blogs! Miss ya'll so much!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun time you all had. Catherine it's so special to see all the wonderful friends you have made that will last a lifetime. I can't wait until you have information on Hannah and then have her in your arms. You will be one great mommy:)
Oh I hope I get to something like this one day!
ReplyDeleteLooks like you had a great time.
ReplyDeleteLove the pool pics.
It looks like you had so much fun. How funny about the signed permission! ha!
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean, though. I'm looking at my beach pics...ugh!
What is it with kids and being thrown in the air with reckless abandon while enjoying some swim time?!
ReplyDeleteStill miss you chica :(
ReplyDeletehow much fun that was!!!!
ReplyDeleteHoly Cow! I thought I commented to this post. I was checking in on you because I haven't seen a post from you in a few days. I know I read this post, and I was going to say something, but now I am just amazed at my lack of a comment. Hmmmm... That is rather odd. Maybe I just 'thought' I commented.
ReplyDeleteAny way! I miss you tons! It was so much fun to watch you throw Mali again, and again, and again! I don't know how you had the strength. Her giggles were worth it I'm sure.
Love ya!