Monday, September 09, 2013

A Special Visit with Friends

On our way to the airport for our Disney trip, Hannah and I were able to enjoy a visit with special friends.  Karen and family live a couple of hours from us and sadly we don’t get together nearly as often as we should!

Karen and I first met back in 2007 shortly after she returned from China with her dd Samara.  We hit it off immediately and a precious friendship was born.  We have that great kind of friendship where we may not see one another for years and yet when we get together we pick up right where we left off.

The same seems to be true for our kiddos.  Sadly the last time we were all together was August of 2010 just days before I went back to work after my maternity leave.Imported Photos 00152

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While Karen and I have seen one another, our kiddos have not.  That being said, they had a blast together!  Hannah loved their home and the great playhouse they have in their spacious back yard.  I must admit that that’s the one thing Hannah and I both wish we had, a larger back yard.  Ours is super tiny and every couple of months it’s the one desire she will express about our home as she says, ‘Mommy, I wish we had a back yard.’  I do too baby girl, I do too!

During our visit we had such a great time chatting and catching up that I forgot to pull out the camera until we were getting ready to leave.  IMG_0005

It was wonderful to see you friends!  Let’s make sure our next visit doesn’t take another 3 years!!  We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Ditto! Thanks again for taking the time to stop by. And we CANNOT wait three more years to hang out with all of us again!


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