Another month has flown by! Where does the time go? Wasn't it just yesterday that I was trying to stop time so that Hannah didn't turn 1? I even delayed purchasing her birthday invitations hoping that would help but nope, time marched on and still does....and now she is 13 months old!!
Hannah at 13 months
Height: still 30 1/2" (no change in height this month and currently in 75th percentile)
Weight: 19.85lbs. (a gain of 1.725 lbs and currently in the 20th percentile) Still my long 'n lean little girl!
Teeth: Still 4 but 2 more on the top are close to popping through.
Sleeping: On average 10-11 hours at night (9:30/10:00 until sometime between 8:00 and 9:00 the following morning.) 2 naps. You're not a huge fan of sleeping in your pack 'n play but we're working on it. I'm in the room with you and encouraging you to nap there but there have been many tears...most are yours but some are mommy`s too as I hate to hear you cry if even for a few minutes.
Weekly Activities: Books and Bounces (Library on Tuesdays); Swimming lessons (Thursdays); Music Class (Fridays with Auntie K1, Chick and Pea)
This has been another wonderful month as Hannah's sweet, loving, cute, charming, AMAZING personality continues to burst forth! She has the sweetest personality and listens so well. Most times if she's touching something I don't want her to I just need to say, 'Ta ta Hannah' and she'll let go and crawl off to find something else. That's not always the case and sometimes I need to redirect her but more often than not she listens really well. What works for us is that I have tried to baby proof much of the main floor to make life easier for both of us. There are still things I need to remind her are 'not for babies' but in general the majority of the main floor is hers to explore, touch and learn from. Unfortunately she thinks this includes the toilet so I'm trying to remember to close the lid. Heh! My choice is to have it baby proofed this way rather than have to tell her 'no' all day long. I use the word 'no' sparingly hoping that eventually she will learn 'no' is for something I truly want her to stop doing. I'm sure as she gets older she will push harder for what she wants but right now she's pretty easy to redirect. This being said, I find myself saying, 'Not for babies' many times a day, especially when she thinks I need her help with the computer! I can no longer use the laptop on the couch as she likes to 'help' me type and also thinks pulling out the power cord is a pretty neat trick!
- This month Hannah has felt the need to put almost everything she finds on the floor into her mouth. Her fine motor skills are amazing as she can literally pick up crumbs...and then proceed to eat them! Oops!! Sometimes it's just the Cheerios she dropped earlier and I let her enjoy those but when it's something else I need to get it out of her mouth. Once again she normally listens really well and when asked she will either take the item out of her mouth or stick out her tongue to let me get it myself. It makes me laugh when I say, 'Give that to mommy please' and this cute little tongue sticks out with a soggy Cheerio on then end of it.
- Sometimes I get little pieces of food for Hannah by biting something off and then giving it to her. I love maraschino cherries and we've discovered that she does too so I'll bite off little pieces and then put them in her mouth. She's now copying this and I've eaten my fair share of soggy, pre-slobbered Cheerios this month. Isn't is amazing how when it's your child you don't mind this at all?
- As Hannah has become more mobile and often travels on her cute little feet rather than her adorable seat and knees, it has meant I needed to re-baby proof the house. Things she hadn't noticed or paid any attention to in the first 4 months home have now become exciting new adventures and places to play. The stairs are around a corner and so far she hasn't paid much attention to them but I have a feeling that's going to change soon. There is a gate on the stairs but it's been propped open since a friend put it up in September. That may change soon and it will mean big changes for us. I'm often carrying Hannah and 'stuff' up and down the stairs at the same time. When I need a hand to open the gate it will mean changes for us.
- This month Hannah began eating a lot more table food. She still eats rice or oatmeal cereal most mornings and veggies and fruit lunch and supper but I'm also giving her a lot more table food. Pasta, cheese, crackers, potatoes, ground beef, watermelon and peaches. We went out for Chinese food to celebrate my dad's birthday and we all laughed when the only food she spit out was the rice. I think it's just a texture thing and we'll work on it.
- She finally began enjoying bottles with water and juice mixed in them this month. She still just drinks a bit to wet her whistle while enjoying a snack of fish crackers or something similar but I'm glad to see her finally enjoying water to keep her fluids up
- Hannah's tummy finally seems to be settling. I still burp her after each bottle but her spitting up is lessening. This is a very good thing.
- Something Hannah picked up this month that her mommy is not at all happy with is squealing. It's like fingernails on a chalkboard to me so I'm quickly trying to nip it in the bud. She seems to do it mainly when I'm not doing what she wants (ie. doing dishes when she wants up or on the computer) but it happens a lot of other times too. Hopefully it will be a quickly passing phase or that she'll get tired of mommy saying, 'No screaming! It's not lady-like!' Heh!
- Hannah's new toys are kitchen gadgets. Guess mommy forgot to put the paper towels out of her reach!
- Hannah loves to tear Kleenex! One tissue can provide endless entertainment. I have an entire post I need to write about this.
- Each night before bed Hannah sits in her little chair and enjoys a Baby Signing Time video. I'll post something dedicated to this soon.
Here are some of Hannah's accomplishments that I recorded on her calendar:
March 1st: Standing up from a squatting position. I think you'll be walking soon. *sniff*March 3rd: Grandma and Grandpa Ryan gave you a Princess riding toy for your birthday and you're pushing it around like a champ!
March 4th: Today you nodded your head 'yes' when I asked you a question. You're understanding so much!
March 5th: Today Grandpa asked you where your head was and you pointed to your head.
March 6th: Current signs that you know and use are: milk, all gone, brush teeth, bath and byeMarch 8th: We went to the park today and you went on a swing for the first time. You really liked it!
March 9th: Mommy's first attempt at putting a fountain pony in your hair. So cute!! Too bad it only lasted about 30 seconds until you found it! :o)
March 10th: We went to the Mandarin to celebrate Grandpa's birthday!
March 11th: Today you took your first steps alone!!! A few in the morning but more and more as the day went on. Sometimes 3 steps before sitting down.'re WALKING!March 15th: Today we bought your first walking shoes! Cute pink 'Stride Rite's with a flower on the side.
March 16th: You use the sign 'all gone' at every opportunity you can. You like to drop toys and then look at me and sign 'all gone'. You also cross 2 fingers when you do this. So cute!March 17th: I'm sure you've learned how to wink with only one eye. So smart!
March 18th: Today you took 7 steps in a row! A little wobbly and oh so cute!March 20th: Bath time has changed. For months you would curl up your legs and put them on mommy's first but now you put them right into the water a you also like to play in the water coming out of the tap. Splashing on your face doesn't bother you at all!
March 21st: You like to hold a spoon now and help feed yourself. You're doing really well getting the food to your mouth and also the spoon's 2nd job is to paint your tray with baby food!March 22nd: 6 month immunizations - 2 shots. :O( Today we also made a plastic container cupboard for you to play in and you love it. We also applied for your Canadian Passport.
March 23rd: Our morning routine is to wake up, snuggle, read stories, tear kleenex and enjoy a great start to the day together! Next you go back into your crib with Pooh, taggie and ladybug blanket while mommy makes the bed...and you pat me when I get near your crib. I love the feeling of your tiny little hands patting me.March 24th: Grandma took you for a walk today. The first time we've been apart. You did great! Mommy cried 3 times because I missed you. While out with grandma you heard a dog bark and looked at g'ma and said, 'woo, woo'. You're so smart!
March 25th: I still look at you every single day and can't believe how blessed I am to be your mommy! God sure loves us a lot to bring us together as a family!March 26th: You're walking more and more every day. Sometimes as many as 8 steps! You still crawl about 75% of the time. I have also started to transition you to homoginized milk. Right now you're drinking 75% formula and 25% milk in your bottles.
March 27th: 13 months old today! You are adorable, cute and busy, busy, busy! Mommy has made a plastics cupboard for you to play in which you love! Kitchen cupboards and drawers are now places to play but I keep trying to redirect you because you catch your sweet little fingers and it breaks mommy's heart!
As always, I love, love, LOVE being Hannah`s mom and watching her learn and grow daily! Still pinching myself that we are so blessed to have one another!

Happy 13th month!!! Such a cutie!
ReplyDeleteMy oh My, how time flies. You are such a wonderful mother with her. I can see it in your eyes. What a beautiful bond you two have. She is thriving!!!
ReplyDeleteI love that part of your morning routine is tearing kleenex! hahaha!
ReplyDeletereminds me so much of that amazing first year
ReplyDeleteit was a miracle and i knew it and loved every second
will always be the best memory of my life
i was falling deeper in love every single day
Happy 13 Hannah!! Catherine, I love that black and white picture of you two...beautiful!
ReplyDeleteHello, Catherine. I happened to come across your blog while I searched for baby gadgets on Google. I began reading about your journey, and let me say, your posts brought tears to my eyes several times. I have added you to blogs that I follow, but I wanted to say hello. :) I am a 24 year old new mommy (my baby girl is 2.5 months old) and wife of 4 years to a wonderful man. I live in the US down in Arizona. I look forward to reading your posts and getting to know you! :)
ReplyDeleteLove these updates! Your little one is so precious and really thriving!
ReplyDeleteI'm still reading!! And loving these updates!! I just don't comment much...but I had to say those last two pictures just took my breath away! Y'all are better together, compete each other, and just glow in these pictures! Such a beautiful Mama and her precious precious baby.
ReplyDeleteI love love love seeing somebody doing what they love and enjoyig life fully! That is definetly you and your girl!! I just love LOVE!
never update my blog:) but my moms is ;)
Love the updates. I feel like I'm right there watching her grow, too.
ReplyDeleteAwww, such cute pictures!! I love reading about your journey with Hannah - your joy is contagious! :)
ReplyDeleteShe is growing up so quickly!
ReplyDeleteLove the paper towel picture!
This is such a great post. I found myself reading it in a whole different perspective. :o)
ReplyDeleteLOVE the black and white photo of you two!!
Hope you're having a GREAT time down in sunny FL!!!