Little did I know that morning after saying good-bye to her what God had planned for me! I remember sitting on the bed reading my Bible and praying when it happened. God spoke to my heart and said that I should pursue adopting a precious baby girl from China! It was something I had thought about in the past, looked into and prayed about but those other times I had always allowed the challenge of the finances to scare me off. This time it was different as that little nudge in my heart grew and grew and I truly believed that I should do this!
January 2005 was before I owned a laptop so I made my way to an Internet Cafe across from the hotel and began looking into adopting from China. I discovered that there were 3 agencies in Ontario that facilitated adoptions from China and began to contact them. (In the coming weeks I would be told by all 3 of them that their singles quotas were full and that it would probably be 3-5 YEARS before I could even go on a waiting list. Yikes!! Little did I know at that time but one agency would have room for me to go on their singles waiting list before January would be over! God is SO good!!)
Returning to January 11, 2005, I spent much of that day praying about this decision, surfing the net, wandering the mall attached to the hotel which was full of beautiful Asian babies as Vancouver has a large Asian population and, praying about what God had planned for me. From the very start I wanted this entire adoption to be given to God and I was following His leading.
When Sharon returned home from work that day I shocked her when she asked how my day was. I said, 'Great!! I'm going to adopt a baby from China!!!' Her first response was, 'Have you called your mother?' :o) I hadn't but I did call Mom and Dad the next day and when I shared the exciting news with them they were both on board 100% and mom confessed that she had thought about this for me and had been praying about it. I love that!!
I took a look back to see what pictures I might have taken that day and was surprised by what I found...and smiled! What had I done January 11th? I'd bought flowers to brighten our hotel room! How fun is that as once my file had been logged in China for 6 months, it was flowers I chose to purchase each month to celebrate my Hannah~versary!
It's 5 years later and I now have my precious Hannah home with me and God has led every step of the way! While it might have taken much longer than I imagined, it happened in God's perfect time as Hannah is the child He had prepared for me. I am amazingly blessed to have this beautiful little girl as my daughter....a match prepared in Heaven!!
God is so great! I didn't even have the notion at all to adopt when God told me that my daughter is in China. It was so out of the blue I'm still amazed.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! What a beautiful story!
ReplyDeleteYes, a really great story. I'm sure Hannah will love hearing you tell it over and over in the coming years.
ReplyDeleteI do not share your faith but I have to say Hannah is one lucky, lucky baby to have you in her life. You are truly a wonderful mommy. The picture today captures it all. cute. Looks like you are having fun together! Enjoy, it goes fast!
ReplyDeleteLove your story - so glad you found one another.
ReplyDeleteMade me very tearful reading this story Catherine. I've been following your blog for a long time now, I feel I know you, and Hannah is absolutely a beautiful baby and so well suited to you. Good things obviously happen to good people.
On the way home today, I was listening to a CD sermon about the mess Sarai made when she decided that Abram should have a baby with Hagar because she didn't trust God's timing. As I turned off the engine, the last words I heard were, "Wait on the Lord." And that you did, Catherine. How great is our God!
ReplyDeleteI hadn't ever heard the start of your Hannah-dream...thanks for sharing it with us.
ReplyDeleteYour parents are such wonderful people to be 100% supportive from the beginning and to even have been paving the way in prayer...? (happy sigh)
What an amazing journey!!
ReplyDeleteKeep smilin!
He is amazing! Blessings.
ReplyDeleteCatherine, she is as beautiful as your story. The journey ended with beautiful mother and daughter being united forever. You both look great together. I am so glad she is finally home!!!