What the pictures do reveal is that Hannah was in a SWI where I believe she was being well cared for. Her clothes are clean, the rooms are tidy, her little bed is full of bedding and even has a mattress on it and more than anything, I see a little girl who was comfortable where she was. DaoXian was her home and I truly believe she was loved and well cared for when she was there. One glimpse of her light-up-the-room smile and you can't help but think she's pretty amazing! When she first meets new people that little smile can be hard to find but very quickly she's grinning at them, safe from the comfort of mommy's arms. We're still sticking extremely close together and I'm really happy about this decision. She's beginning to show even more attachment as she will now fuss sometimes when I leave the room for a moment. It makes it harder to get things done but I wouldn't change it for anything. Tidying the house can wait for another day. Cradling my baby girl in my arms while she naps won't always be an option so for now I choose to gaze at her peaceful sleeping face as the dust bunnies collect.
What started this (winding) post is that in the pictures I saw of Hannah while she was still living in China, often she was holding and playing with a ball with lots of texture.
As soon as I saw these pictures it became my mission to find something similar. That night I located an interim toy and you can see how happy it made her to hold it! (This video was taken almost 3 weeks ago.)
I have since found a similar ball and Hannah's little face just lit up in the store when I handed it to her!
I am SO thankful for the pictures of Hannah before we met and the glimpse into her little life.
Thank you Lord for being there with my precious daughter, each and every moment before you brought us together. Thank You for being with us now!!
My dog has a toy like the one in the China pictures (different from the one you bought) so you might also look in pet stores. They also have wonderful plush toys with squeakers and nothing that a dog can pull out ans swallow. Much cheaper than kids toy stores and just wonderful things. Young children love the squeaker plush toys just like dogs do.
ReplyDeletei know where to find a pink one i will find out the company name if you wantlaura
ReplyDeleteThe video of Hannah playing with her ball is adorable! I love how she kicks her legs up in joy! She certainly seems very alert and responsive and happy. You have a darling little daughter. :)
ReplyDeleteWhen our daughter was a baby she played with a similar ball to the one Hannah had in China, I bought hers at Dollarama! She loved it, actually I bought 3...just in case: good thing, we lost one and she stills have one and the other it is in her memory chest. (All souvenirs or token from China or things precious to her since we got her).
I LOVE the pictures. What a treasure to have. We actually received baby pictures in the mail of our first daughter. The SWI took pictures each month. We have 1 month - 4 months. I cried and cried and cried when I received them as they were something I thought I'd never have. Pictures are treasures. A great way took look back and see Hannah's journey. I'm glad she will see what you see in those pictures as she grows up.
ReplyDeleteHere's a link to an almost identical ball from Discovery Toys that was both my daughters' (one of whom is named Hannah!) when they were babies:
Your little Hannah is precious!
Yeah, I understand the guilt that comes with those pictures. They can be both a blessing and a curse.
ReplyDeleteHi Catherine - I'm normally just a lurker, but congratulations on bringing Hannah home - she's so precious!
ReplyDeleteI'm expecting my own baby in April, and have been spending lots of time online looking at stuff, and I happened to see that the exersaucer (I THINK it's the right one) in your last post is being recalled.... you might want to check into it.
Evenflo is planning to issue a recall Thursday Dec 10 on 66,000 ExerSaucer Pink Tea Party. The company sent this notice to retailers this week, asking them to stop selling the product. I swear I'm not trying to be a pain, I just happened to notice the picture, and wanted you to know. It came off the site below - I love their book b/c they review all brands of baby stuff - helps when you're making overwhelming choices. http://baby411.typepad.com/babybargains/
Here's the text of the recall.
Here is an advance copy of the recall:
U.S. Consumer Product Health Canada
Safety Commission www.hc-sc.gc.ca
For Immediate Release
Firm’s Recall Hotline: (800) 233-5921
December 10, 2009 CPSC Recall Hotline: (800) 638-2772
CPSC Media Contact: (301) 504-7908
HC Media Contact: (613) 957-2983
Something so simple brings such joy. Brings a tear to my eye for sure!!! This is amazing!
ReplyDeleteWhat Johnny said... but how incredible you could learn this bit of info so that you could better meet her needs.
ReplyDeleteBriana has a ball like that and she loves it! Hannah is so adorable! Those pictures truly are a treasure.
ReplyDeleteWe also received numerous photos of our little princess in the SWI and with her foster family(they are priceless to us)and yes we also had mixed emotions at first.
ReplyDeletelove the adorable ones you have of precious Hannah.
Our little Emily had the same ball in her pictures from MaoMing...it is still her favorite toy (we bought one in China and brought it home). I love that you found one locally....
ReplyDeleteToo precious! We got Anna Grace a ball like that from the walmart* in China!
ReplyDeleteThose pictures are amazing! Love how she's kicking with the ball! Too sweet! I hope you don't mind hearing again how your daughter is simply adorable!!
ReplyDeleteI bought Ella the exact same ball in China!! I know I've seen a pink one here in NB...just let me know if you want me to look for it and send it your way!!
ReplyDeleteAngela :)