My beautiful daughter Hannah was placed in my arms shortly after 3pm on Monday, November 2nd, 2009!!!
I was immediately struck by how calm she was and how much eye contact she was making!! She put her little head back into my hand and gazed deeply into my eyes just checking me out and soaking it all in. So curious and calm. God had prepared this time long ago and now He was causing my daughter and I to gaze deep into one another's eyes and begin the time of getting to know one another. And, it was good! So very, very good!!! I truly believe God allowing her to be so young (8 months, 1 week) at the time of our meeting is a HUGE part in her openness to just check me out to see what I was all about. I was speaking quietly to her, telling her how much I loved her and guess what, I was calm too! I was so sure I'd burst into tears when I held her but that happened earlier and then again a few times after I was holding her.
After a number of minutes of gazing at me she took her beautiful little head and placed it on my shoulder and snuggled into my neck! Such an amazing feeling and one that I cannot describe in words!!!
We walked around the room and visited with some of the other families. Many of the babies were calm but as anticipated, families that had received older children were having a rough go of it as these precious little ones understood so much more of what had been changed in their little lives. It's so hard to watch them grieve, hurt and arch their backs away from their parents and yet it's a good thing too as it shows that they know they've lost something and are grieving for that. In time they will understand more but for now they just understand loss.
This picture of Hannah and I is with her travel nanny, rather than the nanny who cared for her on a daily basis. Often this time of handing the babies over to their new families is just too difficult for their primary care giver so anothers travel with them. She offered to hold Hannah for the picture but I wasn't letting go! :o) You would have needed a crow bar to pry my baby out of my arms!! LOL!
The other baby in a similar outfit to Hannah is Emma and they both lived in DaoXian SWI. I don't believe they were in the same room but when they see one another you can tell that they recognize one another and it's precious to see! They even reached out to touch one another's sweet!
We were at the Civil Affairs Office for about an hour and enjoyed some sweet times together! Check out this video!!! Can you see those smiles and hear the giggles and chattING? Such a happy, happy girl!!!
I wish for so many reasons that I could finish writing about the day but once again am falling asleep at the computer so going to go to bed and then hopefully wake early to write more.
Thanks you for all your comments and emails!! As time permits I will take the time to read each of them and soak in what you have to say. Based on the activity of the past 2 days with Hannah in my life I'm guessing that time might come sometimes when she's 18! Will write more tomorrow....
She loves you so much! It is obvious in these photos and clips. How blessed you both are to finally have each other.
ReplyDeleteShe was born to be your daughter and you her mother.
Wow....such a wonderful gotcha moment and after. I am in awe of God's wonderous power....and the power of our prayers. She is so amazed by you and you can FEEL your love for her through the computer screen. THANKS so much for letting us follow your miraculous journey
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful beginning in your story as a family!
ReplyDeleteYour smile in that picture says it all! I will check the videos out from home but I am so happy to hear how things went. Smooth and calm...wonderful! Enjoy these new and special times together. Focus on Hannah. We are all here to watch and soak in your happiness.
ReplyDeleteKeep smilin!
We are just loving your updates!! Those videos are the best!!!!!! God bless you both!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness Cathy....sooooo adorable!!!! For the first time since you received Hannah I'm smiling instead of crying as I read your blog!!! Love her smiles!!!! Oh Cath, God has answered so many prayers. Rejoicing with you.
ReplyDeleteTrust you are both getting some sleep...and don't worry...your two pieces of "Hannah Day" cake are safely hidden in the freezer away from my "boys"!
Love ya,
I've been following your blog for sometime and just have to say Hannah is sooooo beautiful. It brings tears to my eyes to see how happy you are. God is so amazing to orchistrate the two of you together. You are meant for each other. God is good all the time!!
ReplyDeletewow! what a wonderful, smooth and happy gotcha day!
ReplyDeleteYou can tell she was meant for you.
Alrighty, just came back from taking the girls to preschool and had a chance to sit down and read every word and take in the videos and pictures (only had time to post them and run this morn). And ahhhhhhh, the joy you are radiating is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Seriously. What an awesome time. Huge hugs to everyone, and thank you so much for taking the time to document everything and then to share with us. So wonderful.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful sight to see her so content in her momma's arms. What a joy! Her wee head reminds me of MacLean's over 10 years ago and it seems like yesterday.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy and bless you both.
Catherine, I am enjoying every word you write. It is bringing back so many memories. Both times, my girls were under 9 months but both experiences vastly different. I can be reminded of a bit of both by reading your words. While we are hanging on every word, it is good that you are taking time for yourself. Rest up and be sure to take care of yourself!
ReplyDeleteSo happy for you. Hannah is just beautiful!
ReplyDeletei love how hannha reacted when you kissed her in the gotach video
ReplyDeleteshe seemed a little confused but feel so loved at the same time!
Yeahhhh...I am so happy for you. She is just absolutely beautiful and I love the videos. Too funny with the hands in the mouth.
ReplyDeleteI love your updates that you are posting and I look forward to more.
Dennis and Lisa Hertzler
Bradenton, FL
LID: 04/18/06
Oh my gosh!!! Those videos melted me! Especially the smiles one!!!!! Could God have made your Gotcha moment any more perfect????!!!!! Praising Him!!!!
ReplyDeletegreat videos. Hannah looks so happy (as does her mama). Congrats.
Yes, what a glorious day. I'm just soaking up your videos. I remember that exact room almost 5 years ago to the day when I met our Dahlia for the first time. Oh, such sweet memories.
ReplyDeleteYou were born to be that sweet little girl's mama - no doubt.
Enjoy every second!
Love getting the story in bits and pieces...just makes me want to check your site a million times a day! She is precious and you two look so happy together.
OOOOOHHHhh how touching!!!!!! That is an understatement! You can see the peace and joy spilling from you and Hannah seems to trust you immediately. It was meant to be. God's plan. What a miracle!
ReplyDeleteShe is so comfortable with you Catherine!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's heartwarming :)
Happy, happy, overe-the-moon happy for you both!
Congratulations! She's beautiful, and I know you are head over heels in love.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweetie she is! So glad things are going well.
ReplyDeletep.s Our son and daughter were also VERY interested in our noses! I think they couldn't believe the size of them after only seeing Asian faces before ours!
What a beautiful little love Hannah is. Mommy sure looks happy:) Congratulations Catherine and have both waited so long for each other and now your together forever!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Catherine, My name is Jennifer and I have been following your journey. I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS on your new family, she is absolutely beautiful. It's wonderful to see dreams coming true!
ReplyDeleteHi Catherine, My name is Jennifer and I have been following your journey. I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS on your new family, she is absolutely beautiful. It's wonderful to see dreams coming true!
ReplyDeleteOh my, what a precious baby girl! And that dimple, what a cutie pie!!! Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful "gotcha" day - you already have a special relationship going. Hope it continues to be this way!
ReplyDeleteThis is just about as perfect as it gets! She can feel the love you have for her - it already shows.
ReplyDeleteThose videos are amazing. What a happy sweet silly inquisitive darling little baby you have there! Makes my heart smile!! Having a happy baby makes all the difference. You're so blessed! But you knew that, huh!
Our Blog: Double Happiness!
So happy to see you with Hannah! She is beautiful and adorable but you already knew that. Wishing you safe travels in China and back home again! Enjoy every minute!
ReplyDeleteWow, how wonderful! Such a beautiful moment.
ReplyDeleteOh, Catherine! How sweet it is! She is so perfect! And her smiles? WOW! I think that is so amazing! Congratulations, from the bottom of my heart.
ReplyDeleteCongrats. I have to say the physical similaries b/w your daughter and mine (just turned 5) are uncanny. Although my daughter is from a neighboring province, check out her young photos from our blog and tell me if you think there could be some bio connection?
I can't believe how emotional I am! What a beautiful moment! Wow. COngratulations.
ReplyDeleteShe is just perfect, Catherine. Such a sweet and tiny little peanut. It is so wonderful to finally see her in your arms after all this time. I'm SO happy for you!
ReplyDeleteSo, so precious together. Mother and daughter for sure!
ReplyDeleteShe is so amazing! I love how she is examining every inch of you! What beautiful smiles!!!
ReplyDeleteSimply beautiful......I just love all the calmness surronding you both.Cheerish each and every moment.
ReplyDeleteI am so happy for you and your new family. You are beaming of hapiness!
ReplyDeleteHannah is beautiful and looks so calm, your words and pictures brought tears, I am reliving a beautifull part of my life. Enjoy, take in every moment, these are precious time. Thank you for letting us follow this journey.
GREAT videos..
ReplyDeleteLove it..
looks like things are going well..
So happy for you. It looks like she has your smile. God is good!
SO beautiful. I love all the updates you're posting, thank you for taking the time to do that.
Beautiful...God's hand is so very evident! Many blessings to you both!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! She's beautiful!
ReplyDeleteFrom Be: JMei is in my arms oohing and ahhing while watching you with your beautiful baby Hannah. JMei says mommy I need more! The sights and sounds of the government building there bring a flood of memories and tears to my eyes. I can feel the love you have for her and the response she has to you.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, We can't wait to meet her!
How precious is she!!! I seriously can't stand it, she is adorable! You have such a mommy glow, I love it! You guys look great!
ReplyDeleteYou're soaking in very moment... so are we!! Thanks for all the great updates! You both are so amazing... Hannah is doing so well!
ReplyDeleteAlyzabeth's Mommy
CATHERINE!! Love the videos!! the last one...ohhhhh...the way she is looking at you and smiling. She has been waiting for you, mommy.
ReplyDeleteJill xo
LOVE the videos! It seems so natural. We keep saying when we email all excited about you that you two just fit together.
ReplyDeleteLove ya!
Keep smilin!
Oh my gosh!!!! I check in to your blog every now and then. Wish I had time to keep up. I had no idea you had a Hunan girl too! I decided to check out your world and saw the photos of your gotcha day and realized that that was the exact same place we got our little Emi back in July.
ReplyDeleteSo happy for you!! She is such a beautiful little girl. I don't know why I thought your LID was in April. Congrats!!
So, so, so happy for you!! I bet that in some ways it seems like a dream but in other ways it probably feels like Hannah has been with you forever!!! So sweet!!
ReplyDeleteI am impressed at all of the face touching she is doing. This is excellent for bonding. This is how babies "learn" the faces of their mommy.
ReplyDeleteOh that just makes my heart want to burst wide open. I watched the videos with a giant smile on my face. She's so beautiful, C. So beautiful.
ReplyDeleteWhat a joy Catherine!!! Congratulations to you both....those forever family days are so incredibly magical!! Enjoy every minute of your time in China!
ReplyDeleteLove the photos and the videos were so fun.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, I've never seen someone carry off such grace with someone else's hands in their mouth and on their face! ; )