We talked about what I'm feeding her (currently formula, rice pablum, mixed fruit, bananas, and egg whites. Veggies were added later that day and more things each day. Peas and carrots were met with disapproval but sweet potatoes rock! (Thanks Deb!) Going to try the peas and carrots again tomorrow and see if they fare any better the 2nd time.) She has started eating in her high chair and quite enjoys herself up there!
He weighed her and at 8 1/2 months she is currently 16lbs. 7.5 oz which is about 50th% on the Asian charts. As we thought, my little sweetie is long, measuring 28 1/2 inches and coming in around the 90th% on the Asian charts!! She was in the 90th% for height when I received updated info on her at 6 1/2 months so she's continuing the trend. Looks like she may be tall. Neat!! Her little legs are quite long and she fills out her 9mos sleepers well! Check out those beautiful long fingers too!
Her immunizations records were well kept and Dr. Fitz contacted a paediatrician who handles a lot of China adoptions and he said normally they just continue the immunizations on from there if they appear to be accurate so that's what we decided to do too. Unfortunately for Hannah that meant 2 boosters on Tuesday. Poor little lamb!! He apologized before giving them to her but she still cried....and mommy did too! It broke my heart to hear her cry but she soon calmed and quickly fell asleep in her car seat.
We booked her next appt. in 2 months so that the doctor could track her growth. We then headed downstairs to pick up containers for urine and poop samples. Welcome to motherhood!!
After stopping at home to grab some infant Tylenol we visited Grandma Perkins at the library for a quick bit while Hannah ate her lunch. She was none the worse for those 2 needles but I still hurt for her.
We're doing as many have suggested and getting lots of sunlight during the day. She naps with the blinds open and we get out a little bit each day so it will just take time for our sleeping to fully adjust but truly, other than the fact that we're getting up at 10am we're both doing great and truly kicking jet lag in the butt!
The little ladybug blanket she's snuggled up with above has very quickly become her favourite. She doesn't mind others but as soon as I cover her with this one she snuggles in, grabs it and a sweet, sweet smile crosses her face. If her passport is ready by Christmas we'll have to hop across the border and pick up a couple at tar-jay. If not, we'll talk to Auntie M3 and I'm sure she'll be happy to help us out. ;o)
Back to the important stuff....we were successful getting the poop samples that evening but mommy was pretty challenged by those little bags to collect the pee. I tried 3 different ones and each time she ended up with a wet diaper and an empty bag. Heh!
Today as we were playing I had her diaper off and she peed on the change table. I was so happy and quickly got some into her little container and we dropped it off this afternoon. Hannah thought mommy was pretty silly when she was excited that she'd peed on the change table!
As I'm sure you can tell I'm loving, loving, LOVING being a mom and Hannah is the light of my life! I'm trying to get her to bed earlier but am the first to admit that part of the problem is that I hate to put her down each night. I'm working on it and slowly she's getting to bed earlier but I tell you, seeing her precious little face each morning still brings a wave of tears almost every day!
I am so blessed and cannot thank God enough for brining Hannah and I together. Wow.....WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah yes, the co-sleeping ... was always my favourite part ... but now at 8.5 & 6.5 the girls have become blanket hogs ... and their once oh so soft kicks now leave bruises :)
ReplyDeleteEnjoy it while you are able!
It is wonderful to read how you are so in love and I can't blame you one single bit. It is only going to get better and better.
ReplyDeleteShe is so precious! Enjoy these sweet baby months, pretty soon she'll be a walking, talking little girl!
ReplyDeleteI love reading these posts. It sounds like you and Hannah are doing wonderfully!
ReplyDeleteI love the update! Sounds like everyone is doing well! Always makes my day to start it with the both of you! (Since I'm 2 and done it's nice to live vicariously though someone else!!)
ReplyDeleteHi Catherine!
ReplyDeleteYou dont know me, but I've been following your blog thru my google reader for a few months... I had found the link thru another blog somehow (decorating blog I presume, since that's pretty much all i read usually LOL). Your blog has moved me a whole lot, bringing tears of joy for you when you were able to see Hannah for the first time. Congratulations girl!!
I have 3 kiddos (none adopted tho, but I love reading about adoption stories) and all of them loooooooved sweet potatoes and... SQUASH!! Oh how they loved it! So maybe you should give it a try! They all hated peas too LOL!
And good for you on the cosleeping!
Sounds like her sleeping habits are getting on track. My kids both slept until 9 when i was on mat leave with them, 10 sounds even better!!!
You have yourself a charming, little extrovert there, don't you? I should add extremely cute and adorable, too.
ReplyDeleteYes, Bernice I can relate. As one friend put it, it's like sleeping with someone who's doing the horizontal chicken dance.
Give that sweetie a big cuddle for me.
My DD is currently 26 months old (home for 6.5 months) and still sleeps about 1/2 the night with us. She did the same thing when we first brought her home....snuggled right up next to us and if I'd move she'd scooch closer. I even have a picture my DH took of us both sleeping...me on my side and her lying over me :) I'm on the side of whatever makes her comfortable and allows us all to sleep!
ReplyDeleteHannah sounds amazing and I'm SO HAPPY to finally see her home with you! Cherish these moments...they go by so quickly!
Treasure your co-sleeper, ours never slept anywhere but in their cribs which was not my plan. Also, the didn't like the mixed peas and carrots (still don't) but ate peas alone and well cooked baby carrots.
ReplyDeleteYour peanut is big! My first daughter was 16 lbs at 16 months and she had 16 teeth!
ReplyDeleteEliza sleeps with me too and has since about 1 yr. old. It's nice to have snuggle time and reconnect after a long day. I've tried the baby in bed with us, but he is WAY to fixated on patting sleeping Eliza on the face, pulling on her hair and climbing all over the bed, etc. We'll have to wait until he's a little older.
ReplyDeleteSounds like things are going really well. You are both lucky to have each other. Congrats again!
Oh my goodness, ADORABLE !!!
ReplyDeleteYou two are settling in and all is well in the world. So good to see you home. God Is Good !
The highchair thing, my sis used to put a book under my niece so she was high enough to reach the tray. She used that book for quite awhile actually.
Everything seems to be going so beautifully for the both of you. Enjoy every single one of these precious moments. They truly do go by so very fast!
What a great post Catherine. So good to hear that things continue to well. Yes, your love for motherhood is quite obvious on your blog. It's great!
ReplyDeleteNice to hear from you again. Give Hannah a hug and kiss from me (and a wet one from Den-Den) :)
I love the picture of Hannah and her doctor smiling at each other. She must feel totally secure and loved in her little world Catherine. Good for you! And there is nothing that tops a baby's touch or snuggle.
ReplyDeleteMy 2 year old granddaughter Jordan is hard to pin down for a snuggle now. She is much too busy. When she is tired then you can catch her at last!
God bless you both.
It sounds like you are completely fulfilled in your Mommy role.
I am so happy for you! Sounds like you and Miss Hannah are settling in quite nicely!
ReplyDeleteGood Luck with those peas! :o)
I am going to have to look for that ball toy. It looks like a good one!
Co sleeping got T through some rough times, so glad it is working for you! So happy that you can enjoy being a mom!
ReplyDeleteHannah is so lucky that her immunizations from China were valid.
ReplyDeleteWe weren't so lucky. Both of my girls came home with a completed immunization record and we just assumed that all was in order but our Pediatrician suggested that we do the titer test to verify the presence of antibodies. I'm glad she did because it appears that neither of them really got most of those shots.
We had to start over from the very beginning. My poor babies got sooooo many shots! In fact, they just finished up the last of them this past summer. They cringe any time they see someone in a white lab coat.
Hannah is such a happy little cutie! And an angel when she's sleeping! She looks so tiny in her high chair. We also put a thick book under the seat (under the vinyl cover) to boost up our little ones. Worked like a charm!
Here is what we did in the highchair for Ryleigh, phonebook wrapped in towel to elevate her in the chair. Goodluck it worked great for us.......Gyll ( gramma to Ryleigh)
ReplyDeleteOne of the things that worked for Peter when he was around 10 months or so was frozen peas on his highchair while I was getting dinner together. He saw them like he saw Cheerios and he loved playing with them and then eating them. It worked and felt good on his gums.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful report! Hannah seems to healthy and on-target. Thank you for the info on the vaccines. I plan to follow that same path, not to redo them, but to follow the established course.
ReplyDeleteThere has been a German study on Tylenol that shows it decreases- significantly- the antioxidents in the body with long-term effects. I highly recommend searching for the study so you can be informed of the risks and perhaps choose ibuprophen if you feel it safer. I'm sorry I don't have the link for you, but I was very happy to learn what I did.
Do you use a bedrail on your bed when you co-sleep? My mom never did and many don't, but I was glad when I bought one when caring for my grandmother because I imagine using it for my daughter.
I love that Hannah scoots over until she feels you next to her. One of the things I prayed for is that she'd feel safe and comforted by you and it seems she does.
Thank you for posting!! I was going through withdrawals!! lol ;o)
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited to hear everything is going so great!! She's so beautiful!!!!! I love little ones in my bed too! The boys...especially Carter and Chase were HUGE co-sleepers!! The girls not so much as their foster mom had a wonderful routine for them and they sleep so great in their own rooms in their beds! Charla loves to come in our bed in the early mornings now though! It's great!
I laughed at your urine sample ordeal!! I too struggled once the girls got here! The boys were easy!! lol What I found worked for me if you ever have to do it again...is stand her up next to the bath in the bathroom and let her watch the water pour into the tub!! Works EVERY single time for Carys now!! lol Instantly that girl pees and because she is upright and "standing" hanging onto the side of the tub...she pees directly into the bag!! yay!! lol
Love ya! Still praying for you!!
Hannah gets cuter every day!! Loved the picture in the high chair with the crooked grin. Looks like she is grimacing because she is afraid you will be getting the peas and carrots out again!!! Keep on loving her like you have been--seems she is adjusting really well!
ReplyDeleteIn Christian Love,
A grandma to almost 5!!!
It is so great to see how in love you are with sweet Hannah!!! Sounds like she is doing really well!!
ReplyDeleteLet me know if you want me to get the ladybug blankets it is 15 minutes over the river. I was just there tonight after school. And if you do come this way do let me know so we can join you. It would be fun.
ReplyDeleteFun stuff, love the pictures and sending huge hugs to you both.
ReplyDelete(Ah yes, the poop samples, know them well. I still laugh when we were doing round I-don't-even-know-what-number during all the GI problems and I stopped by the lab to drop off the latest and there was a new tech there checking us in who said "Ok, is this specimen #1 or #2?" and I nearly died laughing at the look on her face when I answered "Actually my husband just did a tally in the car and this is #17." Ha!!!!) Sorry for the huge runon sentence, I'm in a hurry and don't have time to make it pretty. :-0
Absolutely love Hannah's facial expressions, especially the lips! What a reminder of the baby/toddler years of motherhood :) I too cried when they got immunizations and woke up with legs thrown over my side so many times. Now I love my nightly reading time and morning snuggles. Enjoy!! Kara
ReplyDeleteOh Catherine,
ReplyDeleteIt sounds heavenly, even the multiple attempts at pee catching. So happy for you and I can't wait to meet your angel when we return from Vietnam.
J and D and M
Love the update! She is so precious! You are doing great!! Let us know when you are back visiting in sunny Florida; we will give you some hugs!
ReplyDeleteAlyzabeth's Mommy (for 14 Months)
Sounds like you are a total pro at the mommy thing! :) She is simply adorable.
ReplyDeleteAlso sounds like she is going to be tall like Briana!
Oh she is just so beautiful and she just looks soooooooo relaxed, secure and happy already, its really amazing.
ReplyDeleteI get the warm and fuzzies "watching" as you fall deeper and deeper in love.
I am so happy everyone is getting into a routine - wee hannah knows just how much she is loved - CO-SLEEPING RAWKS! my two still do it from time to time - I can tell you will always put her needs first - you may get the odd person telling you not to do that (co-sleeping) but you do what you believe in your heart is right - you are her mommy and will only ever do what is best for her!
ReplyDeletecherish this time - they grow up way to fast - maybe we can do a playdate thie andrea and sarah one of these days
She is totally YUMMY!!! Have you tried Avocado's?! They are a fantastic baby food as they have the "great" kind of fat for their rapidly developing brains. They are soft, and if there is any resistance, you could try mashing a tiny bit of banana in with it, then wean to 100% Avocado.
ReplyDeleteAlso we found it was often the texture and not the taste (since taste buds don't really kick in until a bit older).. so if mashed doesn't cut it, try tiny little pieces she can pick up! :) Happy messes! :) :)
One of my favorite books is by Ruth Yaron called "Super Baby Food".. bet you'd love it!
Congrats and enjoy all those precious moments that seem to run together at this age!!
Yah! That is great stuff.
ReplyDeleteKeep smilin!
ReplyDeleteSo happy for you and your beautiful daughter. I brought my daughter home at 10 months old and now that she's four, I can honestly say that joy only grows in strength. Everyday with my children is a blessing.
May God watch over you both.
Marilyn from Massachusetts.