When we became a family Hannah was 8 mos, 6 days old and came to me with eyes full of questions and an open heart ready to be loved. I was prepared for her to be upset but her first tears didn't come until later that evening.
After only minutes together her precious smile was already gracing her beautiful face and I got my first glimpse at her adorable dimple!
I fell in love with her the moment I heard, 'You're a Mom' back on August 21st, but I cannot begin to express what happened the moment she was placed in my arms. It was as though she had always been there and immediately I couldn't begin to imagine life without her.
We began to get to know one another and it was fun to figure out what was best for her and what would make her most comfortable. I look back now and laugh about our 2nd night together. She wiggled and wiggled all over the crib (after having slept without moving an inch the first night)
There are so many little things about her that I know now that I wonder when I first figured them out? If she's upset in her sleep, an arm under her knees will calm her almost immediately.
When she is tired her little hand goes up to her face. I remember this from the day we met and we have since called it her sleepy hand and it's still a telltale sign that she's getting ready to sleep.
Even though I may sleep with a sheet, duvet and comforter, Hannah is happy with just her ladybug blanket thank you very much! Even when sound asleep, adding a sheet will cause her to kick within moments until the offending sheet is off her.
She's happy to take her bottles and food just about any temp, as long as the chill is off them although she still prefers them warm.
Some really cool changes have taken place too! Initially when we met Hannah did not want me (or anyone else) touching her hands. When I tried to I was met with her gently pulling them back until we were no longer touching. Now she will let me hold them and even rub my finger across the back of them. I hold her hand often while I'm feeding her her bottle and she's just so calm and comfortable with it now. It is also very common now for Hannah to find my hand and hold my fingers. What an amazing, beautiful feeling this is! I believe it is one of the many wonderful signs that our attachment is coming along well. I am still very aware of attachment issues and do all I can to continue to solidify it.
Another change happened just yesterday. Hannah was sleeping and I went to another room to work on some paperwork that I'd been avoiding. I heard her wake up and let out her little squawk to let me know she was awake (normally I'm with her when she wakes up) but I was able to call out to her that mommy would be right there and then complete what I was working on which took about 2 mins. When I went into the room where she was I expected to find her sleeping again as normally when she wakes up if I'm not right there it leads to many tears. Yesterday she trusted me and when I went into the room our eyes met and she put her arms up to be picked up. She knew her mommy would be right there for her! That was a huge milestone!! I still like to stay close when she sleeps but am slowly broadening things and leaving the room for longer periods of time. A big step for both of us!
So today we celebrate 6 months together as a family!! Time has flown quicker than I ever thought possible and looking back at these pictures reminds me how much Hannah has grown and changed. When I'm tempted to be sad that she isn't as much of a baby anymore, I quickly remind myself of how thankful I need to be (and am!!!) that I had those precious baby days with her!! At her current 14 months of age, she is the age when many families meet their babies for the very first time. We have been blessed to be together for 6 months and I will be forever grateful that God allowed us this time together!!
Today we took a few pictures together to remember this wonderful day of celebration. Firstly I tried her 'Forever Family Day' outfit on her that she was wearing when we met. I was surprised at how well it still fit her!
This picture is neat as she was pointing to the clock which read shortly before 3pm as it was a little after 3pm that Hannah was placed in my arms.
Oh my sweet, amazing, precious, loving, giggly, wonderful baby girl! I love you, love you, LOVE YOU!!! 6 months together and a lifetime together is before us!! Love, Mommy xoxo
What a beautiful, beautiful tribute to your sweet Hannah. I can't believe how LITTLE she was when you met her for the first time. Look at that smiley, happy face! 6 months....really? How is that possible? So thrilled to have shared so much of her young life with you and so happy to know that there is so much more to look forward to!
ReplyDeleteHappy six months as a beautiful family! Your post is wonderful and each picture is precious and filled with so much love. Lots of love to you both!
ReplyDeleteI love the last mommy daughter photo.
ReplyDeleteHappy 6 months!
Happy 6 months together, Catherine! Y'all have really settled in together as a family... it is beautiful to see.
ReplyDeleteThe last picture says it all. You were destined to be together.
ReplyDeleteHappy joyous 6 months!!!!!
ReplyDeleteXoxoxoxox to you both.
(say a little prayer for me at 9:30am tomorrow if you think of it)
Happy 6 months,
ReplyDeleteYou and Hannah so belong together, you make a great team,she is beaming and so are you. Congratulations!
you have to be one of the happiest mom's i have ever known! happy 6 months. i love seeing how her trust is building over time. it's nothing short of miraculous, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteWow 6 months already, how time flies once the little ones are in our arms.
ReplyDeleteGreat Mama & Hannah piccie.
Happy 6 months! Can you believe how fast time flies with our girls in our hearts and arms?
ReplyDeleteIn a few weeks Tate and I celebrate one year! ONE YEAR?!!!
What a beautiful post....love the Mother/Daughter picture. You make a beautiful family!
ReplyDeleteOh Catherine,
ReplyDeleteI'm sitting here in tears. Your post was so beautiful!!
Happy 6 months as a family. And WOW what a family you are. You're a great mom! And Hannah is just gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing all that love with us! We're honored.
Miss Lila and granddaughters
Ilana (6)
Sadie (4)
Happy 6 month anniversary of becoming a family. It is always a pleasure to read your blog - there is just so much love you have for Hannah I can literally feel it every time I read one of your posts. Hannah is precious, and I'm so happy for you both that you have one another.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how quickly 6 months can fly by!
ReplyDeleteGreat post - you have been beaming since Hannah came into your life! Looks good on you!!
Happy 6 Months!! Time flies and she is just awesome! You both are amazing!
ReplyDeleteKeep smilin!
Happy 6 months! How is it six months already? Time flies! Sounds like she is attaching wonderfully! She is so adorable!
ReplyDeleteLove the Mommy and daughter photo! Such wonderful happiness!
ReplyDeleteAlyzabeth's Mommy