Doris and Dan were in town for the weekend so that was an inviation for fun with friends!
Friday night I headed to the other side of the city and joined in with the fun at
Michelle and Mark's. We had a relaxing evening together, a wonderful BBQ dinner and eventually called it a night...early the next morning. We were falling asleep downstairs but nobody wanted to miss a moment together.
Saturday Morning Mark's sister (Hi Jenn!!) and her adorable little ones came over for a visit. It's always neat to meet the families of friends. Saturday afternoon the girls did some running around and then headed to the mall where
Kathy met us for some shopping fun!

Before Kathy arrived Michelle and I tried our best to be personal shopping assistants for Doris but unfortunately she didn't find anything. Doris is taller than Michelle and I and although Michelle attempted to model this top for Doris we think it was just not happening. :o)
This picture has a great story behind it!

As is often the case, the line to the ladies washroom snaked out the door and down the hall. When we got there Doris wasn't about to wait in the line. When the men's cleared out she quickly snuck into one of the stalls! Kathy stood guard. As Doris is ummm...taking care of business...this little old many makes his way into the washroom. Kathy, being the faithful guard yells out, 'Incoming Doris!!' (By this time I'm laughing so hard I can hardly breathe!) Moments later Doris is out the door and this was the result. Ah yes...memories!!

Check out this chocolate bar!!! I tell you, this 10lb. chocolate bar from William-Sonoma would get us through any small referral batch that is thrown our way!
After shopping we were on our way to the Waiting Mommies dinner. I'll post more about that later...
Hi Catherine!!!
ReplyDeleteAfter reading your blog for close to a year now - it was nice to finally meet you!! Glad to hear you had a great weekend.
Shopping and chocolate, the perfect combination for a mood picker upper!
ReplyDeleteWhy does it not surprise me that Doris did that? ;)
ReplyDeleteSO much shopping fun!
ReplyDeleteKeep smilin!
GREAT day!!
ReplyDeleteHow did I miss that chocolate bar???
Um, is that not a normal custom to use the mens room when the ladies room line is 20 ppl deep??? I've done that in many a public place my friends - a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!!!! However it was challenging trying to sneak into a stall past 20 guys at urinals at Giants
ReplyDeleteAnd about that chocolate - BRING IT ON!!!!