Although that actually happened a few years ago (I'll make this quick) when I went with the girls from work to a local casino for b'fast. We were in the middle of a very long strike and so the gang decided a cheap b'fast at the casino was in order, something we did about twice a year. We headed out and had a fun time at breakfast then hit the slots. I was playing with the same $20 that I had for the past year-and-a-half. After each visit the small winnings I had (the $20 got smaller every time) was cashed in, placed in a ziploc bag and stayed in the glove compartment of my car. Well this day when I grabbed the ziploc out of the car I noticed it still had tokens in it. Figuring I'd forgotten to cash in my measly winnings last time I didn't think anything of it. We had b'fast and then I wandered around for a bit deciding which machine I would donate my money to. Once I'd decided I fed it 1 token. Nothing. It didn't register at all. What? Being as uneducated as I was when it came to slots I figured I must have to feed it more tokens so in they went. Still nothing. Now I'm stumped! Wondering what the problem could be I took a closer look at the tokens. Oh no! I was feeding the casino machine 'Chuckie Cheese' tokens! Duh!!! Knowing there are a gazillion cameras in casinos I knew I needed to fess up. I went to the cage and explained what had happened. (Somehow they didn't share the humour/embarassment I was seeing in the situaion.) Long story short, after about 5 people came and fixed the machine, my tokens were returned to me and my gambling days were over! I'll stick with Chuckie Cheese from now on!

Another funny story is my coworker Janice. She doesn't care for coffee or tea. She's not a fan of Tim's hot chocolate so she doesn't buy Tim's. None. Nada. Zippo. Zilch. Well, on the weekend she's cleaning away the winter garbage from her farm home and comes upon an unrolled Tim's cup that someone had tossed on her property. What does she do? She unrolls it and promptly wins a coffee! Can you believe it? She's 1/0! Too funny! (She did take pity on my poor losing streak and donated it to me. A good friend she is!)
Now, speaking of friends, my best friend at work, who wishes to remain anonymous (to protect the guilty!) had quite the roll-up day today! She too has been following my whining about not winning. Does she feel bad? No! Does it bother her even a little that in the morning's when she purchases a winning coffee for herself she purchases one for me with the infamous phrase, 'Please Play Again' on it? No!
Case in Point: This morning I picked up my coffee at her desk, we had a little chat and I went back to work. About 10 mins later she emails me...'Have a good day...and oh yah...I just won a coffee!' Being the immature person I am I email her back the following: 'Not sure how to spell this so......' and hit the 'send' button. About 10 seconds later (knowing she would have read my response) I called her and gave her a raspberry over the phone! We were both laughing at her record of about 6/25!
It get's better....Fast forward to 10:30am and we're out for break. We pick up our tea and head back to the office. Once again I get an email....'How's your day going? Oh yah...I just won another coffee!' Again? How can that be???
Not being one to give up easily, I head back to Tim's with her at 2:30 to grab another tea. For some unknown reason I ordered a large instead of a medium. I normally get a med. but for some reason said large. Oh well, maybe this was going to be a winner! N was behind me and ordered a med.....You guessed it! 20 mins later she emails me, 'How are you doing? Oh yah....I just won a donut!!!!' Can you believe it? She was 3/3 today! We laughed and laughed as my mistake gave her another winner. Too funny!!!

What will happen when Rrroll Up the Rim to Win is over? I'll be rich! I'm making myself poor just trying to win that second cup of coffee!
I think I'd better stick with Chuckie Cheese!
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