It's almost 2am and I just got back from picking my parents up at the airport. Sadly the van/car swap I'd dreamed of didn't go quite as planned! ;o) Needless to say, my Cavalier and I will become close buddies once again in a few short hours as we journey to my office together.

Part way through my parent's vacation I realized that by the time they exited customs it would be Dad's birthday! Wanting to start his big day off in a fun way I picked up a helium balloon tonight and took it with me to the airport. It was fun to see their expressions as I don't think either of them had realized it was just past midnight and Dad's birthday was here!
They said he'd been serenaded onboard the ship but we'll just say it was a rather interesting rendition of Happy B'day. Why is that song comes across with each person singing it in their own key most times? Can be quite painful!

Anyway, Mom and Dad had a wonderful cruise and a great vacation with my aunt and uncle! Other than US Airways losing their luggage and a couple of late flights the entire vacation was a huge success! (Can you believe this? The airline lost all the luggage of 1 couple on the cruise and even after a 12 day cruise the luggage had not caught up with them! How awful!!!)
I'm looking forward to hearing more about their trip and seeing a more normal hour! For now it's off to bed for me.
PS - Are you getting a gander at the luggage? We are in sooo much trouble next year when we travel to China as I learned my packing skills from my parents. Guess I'd better take some lessons from those that have been-there-done-that and also pass the tips on to my parents!
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