The 3 things I like most about driving their van are:
1. The sense of security I feel being higher off the ground and in a bigger vehicle, especially when driving through Toronto in the snow or rain. Some of those truck drivers are crazy people!
2. Automatic locks. Oh what a treat when I have manual locks.
3. Automatic sliding doors. As a scrapbooker this was a big treat! As I was dragging my stuff back and forth to friend's homes and the church for crops it was so nice to punch a couple of buttons and have the doors open. Ahhh..yup I like it! It was great for doing the same with groceries too.
With a baby coming next year life would just be that little bit easier with these luxury items.

We had a Ford Explorer when we first brought home our daughter. It did not work! There were no AC vents to blow on her-a necessity in TX. We got a van when Ruth got into Kindergarden. This is great because when you drop kids off for school, it is like doing the shuffle. You pull up, drop, run. If you are too slow, the curb side teacher comes over and asks if there is a problem. With carpooling, I can drop off Ruth and her friends in 2 seconds flat, close the door for them, which is the hardest part for little ones. I do wish we had a newer van with back seat cup holders-a must! Also with back windows that roll down, and some even have built in sunscreens you can pull up to block the sun-always a problem with little ones. Go for the van. They are now cool to drive.
ReplyDeleteCJ LID 10/28/05 jjudd1_99@yahoo.com