Saturday, August 19, 2006

Ooo...So Excited!

My dear friend Connie is overhauling my blog for me! Soon you won't recognize it. It's going to be beautiful!!! She gave me a sneak peek at the banner tonight and it took my breath away! That's all I'll say as I want it to be a surprise to all of you too!

THANK YOU CONNIE!!! Take it away my friend and work your magic!


  1. How cool. I can't wait to see it. It will be great.

  2. Okay guys...don't gag at the colors....I have to figure out some of the template specifics to make other in progress ;0)

  3. Oops....that was (and is) Connie posting as Catherine....I'll go back to being me now. Toodles!

  4. Now, I'm me again. Sorry, Catherine! Anyhoo, I'll let you know when I get some of the template stuff figured out to make the additional changes.

  5. It's me Catherine actually posting as me rather than my alter ego Connie! :o)

    I love the changes Connie! The new colours are beautiful and I love the gerbera daisy!

    Thank you!!!


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