Monday, August 07, 2006

Blogging With A View!

Ahh... long summer weekends! Not even sure why we had a long weekend this week but I'm just glad we did! The weather was and sunny with little humidity so you couldn't ask for more! I hopped in my car after work Friday night and headed north once again. Destination MBC!

This weekend we had our annual 'Mega Book Sale' which is a huge fundraiser for the camp. A whole team of people worked tirelessly for the past couple of weeks receiving, labeling and setting up the large sale in the gym. As you can see from this picture it's no easy task. JoAnne and Beth started planning this sale months ago and worked countless hours determining what to order and the best way to display the items. I helped out with the sale Saturday and Sunday and it appeared to be a great success! Headed home late last night, anticipating a day ahead which included such important 'to do's' as sleeping in, reading in the morning sunshine, cleaning and ummm...napping! Let's just say I was successful at 3/4! You can figure out which one was only minimally achieved! ;o)

On Saturday night as I was catching up with my emails and blog reading I realized the beauty that surrounded me. Ya know how sometimes something has always just been there so you kinda take it for granted? I was that way when I was reading my mail until the sun shone brightly through the window and caused me to look up and once again appreciate God's beauty. This is the amazing view I have when blogging at MBC. Sure beats the cluttered computer desk at home!
Taking time out from blogging to enjoy a tiny piece of God's handiwork!


  1. I should say....I think I would have been out on the water. Sorry bloggers - maybe later ;0)

  2. Looks beautiful, Catherine! Sometimes it does pay to stop and just look around. God has indeed created some wonderful things! (Like little girls- in China! :-) )

    Janet T.

  3. Lovely location. Long weekends are great...we should have more of them.

    Keep smilin!


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