Sunday, May 01, 2011

Taking time to smell the flowers…and grass…and even the rocks too!

Hannah and I enjoy going for walks around our complex and she has taught me to slow down and enjoy everything around me.  Although it’s only 0.3 of a km (325 yards) it’s not unusual for it to take us 30 minutes or more to make our way around the loop once!  I think I’ll let the pictures and videos speak for themselves.  (We started with one dolly and her stroller but had to switch it up after a stroller malfunction.)


Practicing her balance beam skillsDSC_7797









Every walk is a new adventure and boots can be worn with stickers on them and on the opposite feet and nobody cares!  Mommy has learned to slow down, allow more time for our walks, and learn from the best teacher ever….my child!  Thank you Hannah!  I learn from you daily and love you more than I can express!DSC_7805


  1. Adorable photos. Looks like such fun!

  2. What special time together! I remember this time last year and H was cruising/tettering while D scooted & cruised all over. Now they are running full circles around us. Time does fly!

    Keep smilin!

  3. Really cute videos.
    Catherine,we finally got my grand daughter who is the same age as Hannah, this dolly stroller. It is a bit more expensive but is holding up very well and we hope won't need to be replaced. The wheels make it so easy for Rory to maneuver the stroller in any direction and it is just a well made toy.

  4. What great photos and videos! Looks like a fun time!

  5. We did this exact same thing yesterday! Both kids had their strollers and we walked for a whole kilometer!! What fun!

  6. I know it's trite, but she sure looks pretty in pink! We've been walking the rails-to-trails path in our town and we have to check out everything-beaver cuttings, the river path, daffodils, everything. It's so great to see through a child's eyes :-)


  7. Yes, walking SLOW is a must for having fun with the little one! Such great photos to show your walk together.
    I do have to allow much more time so that we can chat, hold hands and just take our sweet, long time! It's fun!

    Alyzabeth's Mommy

  8. All of us here took turns looking at how much Hannah has grown. Avery is still bawling because the pictures of Hannah are gone. Oh how we miss you both!!

  9. So much fun!! I love how Hannah explores every little thing! So Sweet!!!!


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