Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Day with Family and Friends

After opening our gifts at home we bundled up and headed around the corner to our traditional Christmas breakfast with Auntie Carol and Uncle David and their family.DSC_0283

For part of the kids gift hunt Katie had to play ‘Jingle Bells’ on the saxophone.  Hannah checking out this cool instrument.DSC_6330

We went to my parents in the afternoon for our family gift exchange and a delicious turkey dinner.  Unfortunately in all of the excitement I forgot to pull out my camera and only took a couple of videos.  Hopefully I can snag some pics from my brother and dad.

Hannah is the youngest of 10 grandchildren and there were times when she found waiting her turn a little tough.  This was one of those moments but with one pull of the paper all was right in her little world once again.

A special gift from the kids to my parents.

Our last stop of the day was a visit with Nana and Papa.  Once again all the fun and excitement meant few pics.  Will have to change that next year!

Trying out her new computer.  Now Hannah can blog when Mama does.DSC_6333

Enjoying one of the cookies Santa left behind.


There is nothing better than a snuggle with Nana at the end of a fun, busy day.DSC_6338

Hannah received a new Mickey Mouse Clubhouse DVD which she was excited about.

Merry Christmas!


  1. You were certainly busy on Christmas day!

    I am glad that the two of you were able to see family and friends and enjoy your day!

  2. She's so darned cute, I dont' know how you lived without her!

    Happy New Year,

  3. Wow, you had one busy Christmas, but filled with family and friends. How wonderful. Santa brought Rieley the same computer, how funny. Trying to hold off the tech stuff for awhile, don't want her hooked like the older kids.
    Hope your 2011 is as good as 2010 or better.
    Happy New Years.

  4. Hmm. I see a reoccuring theme here as Sunshinr got new babies and a stroller from Santa too.


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