Monday, December 27, 2010

Going to Work with Mama

I’m thankful to work at a place which encourages us to bring our children to work on Christmas Eve day.  After 22 years of going in on my own on the 24th, today all that changed and it was amazing to walk to work with Hannah in her stroller and realize that finally it was me who was taking my child to work!!  I’m a mom and I am still thankful to God every single day for allowing me the awesome privilege of being Hannah’s mom!

With those thoughts close in my mind seeing this brought tears to my eyes.DSC_6257

I didn’t even remember that these beads will still on a shelf below my desk until I saw Hannah playing with them.  When I realized what she was doing tears immediately sprang to my eyes.  For those who may not have been following my blog while I waited for Hannah, each of these beads represented 1 day of files that China had to match before I would receive Hannah’s referral.  These beads moved painfully slowly but I can tell you without a word of a lie that Hannah was worth every single second of the wait as truly she is the one and only child that God was preparing for me.  She is my daughter and in His perfect timing He brought us together.  Thank you Lord!!

Hannah decided to see what it was like to be Mama working in the world of telephony.  She looks like a natural and is already multi-tasking.DSC_6260rev

After working for a bit it was time to go find Auntie Norma and give her a Christmas hug.DSC_6272

Hannah and I were both surprised when Santa took time out of his busy schedule to visit Mama’s work!  At first she was a little concerned so I reassured her that I’d be happy to go with her to visit Santa DSC_6264rev

but after watching a few of the other children go up to visit Santa on their own she wiggled out of my arms and ran up to him!DSC_6267

Hannah didn’t get brave enough to actually talk to Hannah but she did pose for a couple of picsDSC_6269

and gave him a big hug before waving 'bye!’ 


Wow….what a difference from just a month ago!


  1. So sweet!

    I remember those beads! WOW! They went from a slowly painful way to count the days to being a toy for Hannah! Amazing!

  2. Oh my! Seeing Hannah with those beads - simply amazing! What a blessed day!

  3. How great that you can bring Hannah to work on Christmas eve!!

  4. That's wonderful that you can bring Hannah to work with you! Seeing her with the beads is so, so sweet. SO sweet!!

  5. Looks like Hannah might be able to take over when you're ready to retire :).

  6. So happy for both of you - a perfect match!

  7. What a sweet hug at the end! You are right; it is a privilege to be the mother to our adopted children and one that we don't take lightly when they are finally in our arms. The wait is excruciating, though.

    Happy New Year,

  8. How cool! That is so nice that you can bring Hannah with you to work on Christmas Eve!!

    I knew the second I saw the beads what they were! What an amazing sight! Who would have ever thought your little girl would one day be playing with those counting beads! :o)


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