Friday, September 28, 2012

Which Princess Shall I Be Today?

Hannah is all about dressing up these days and her favourites are princesses.  I’ve been scouring Kijiji and have picked up a few costumes for her there.  It’s fun to watch her flit around the house wearing a variety of combination of costumes and I’ll admit that she has a pair of pink wings she often asks me to wear too.  No pictures of that though.  Phew!!

Here is my little princess in action over the past few weeks.  You’ll see by the blur in some pictures that it’s hard to catch her still when she’s letting her true princess emerge! Smile

Tinker Bell IMG_7897

Cute ArielIMG_7905

Sumo wrestler ArielIMG_7906

Dancing CinderellaIMG_8002

I love 3!  Sometimes my little princess wears her costumes when we go out and the people she makes smile are numerous!  Any reason to make someone smile is a good one.

Right now she’s saying that she wants to have either a Cinderella (her current favourite princess) or ‘princesses in general’ birthday.  I can work with that theme for sure!  Wonder what the chances are of keeping her on track with that for the next 5 months?  Time will tell.

This last picture was one I just had to take.  Hannah was dressed in her Cinderella dress when she noticed that some water had spilled on the floor.  She hasn’t seen the movie yet so didn’t know why mommy was giggling but she sure made me smile when I saw this!IMG_7929


  1. We've got the Princess bug over here too, for sure! So cute!
    PS: Sorry, we'll need to see a picture of you wearing the wings...;)

  2. Love the outfits. She seems to be having a warrior princes pose in that one shot. Cute.

  3. Sweet outfits--Charlotte just pulled out her princess outfit last night at our family gathering to celebrate Mid-Autumn Moon Festival. She's had it since Christmas and wouldn't wear it, but yesterday, for whatever the reason, was the day it was to be worn. Could have been influenced by her cousin. We'll see if the dress-up continues later today.


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