Wednesday, December 16, 2009

So Cool!!

The Olympic Torch is in our city tonight and the vehicles that accompany it are being cleaned up for tomorrow's relay where my friend Larry works. Before leaving today he asked a guy if he could hold the torch and they said 'Sure!' and then even took his picture for him! How cool!!

This will be a fun pic for Hannah to have of her honourary Grandpa holding the Olympic torch!


  1. As my daughter would say NEVER enough PICTURES!

  2. I know!!! REALLY COOL!!! I posted the pic on Facebook when Sharon sent it to me. All of Chris's friends were writing about 'seeing' the torch. Larry 'held' the torch!!!

    Have a great day!
    Love ya,

  3. You are blessed my friend and we are blessed for having you and Hannah in our lives. Your whole post brought tears but when I got to that photo of Sharon and Hannah, well, sniff sniff, the love is just beaming through that photo.........


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