Saturday, October 13, 2007

Too funny!

Do you remember this post from a couple of weeks ago?

Guess what! My friend Carol was at a local market last week and would you believe that they had Rhodes Orange Rolls in their freezer?? I dragged those munchkins all the way from SLC and hoped that they wouldn't explode in my suitcase only to find out that they're available 15 minutes down the road!

Mmmm...that's a good thing....I think! Gonna have to ration how often I buy those! Thanks for the tip Carol. Now I'll be able to share these with friends when they come over. Yummy!


  1. I'm glad they're not near me....too tempting....:-)

  2. I have never heard of those - they sound good, though :-)

  3. Thats so funny!!! I've done things like that before! I got one of my Californian Bloggy friends to send me a "Who Loves Baby" baby album... and now T@rget sells them here!!!

  4. orange rolls...hmm...I am not sure. I will take your word for it though!

  5. They look yummy - what a nice treat. I will look around here for them.....

  6. Oh wow!!! I laughed right out loud when I read this! Even scared the snuggle pup from a sound snoring sleep! I guess there goes my idea to bring some along when I come visiting you!!!

    This temptation is getting to me and I must go buy some right now! Thankfully they go from frozen to hot and YUMMY is 30 minutes flat!



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