Wednesday, July 22, 2009

NEXT!!! Can You Believe It??!!!

Wow!!! It's truly happening! It IS real!! CCAA matched families with log in dates of March 21st and 22nd/06 so this time next month will be Hannah time!!! I can hardly believe after all this time that my sweet baby girl's referral is right around the corner!

Check it out!! Have you ever seen such a beautiful little stone? One stone.... ONE teeny, tiny stone!! Wheee!!!

Monday had it's rough moments for sure but EVERYONE was unbelievably supportive. It was a weird day as it was disappointing to miss the cutoff by 1 day yet at the same time I felt guilty for being disappointed. So many friends are going through so much with their adoptions right now that I felt I had no right to feel bad. My emotions were like a bouncing ball. Crying when I shared the news with special people like my Mom, Dad, Sharon and Norma but then the next moment excited beyond belief to know that the waiting would soon be over! The comments, emails, calls and encouragement that flooded my in box and answering machine allowed me to realize that it was ok to be disappointed. My friend Carol, knowing the very best cure for a tough day is Baskin Robbins Peanut Butter 'n Chocolate ice cream, even put a container of it in my freezer. Now that's a good friend!! Thanks Carol!

Now....the disappointment is long gone and excitement has taken over! Thoughts of Hannah are flooding my thoughts day and night! Steps to begin preparing the house have begun and a paint colour for her nursery has been chosen! Chiffon Pink...perfect! Slowly I'm working away at my 'to do' list and purchasing things that will go to China with me: Diapers, wipes, bottles, medications and so much more are fun, fun, fun to purchase!

Thank you everyone for all your love and support! I've once again been overwhelmed by your kindness and humbled by your encouraging words. You are appreciated and I am so thankful to be sharing this jouney with you!

August is HANNAH month!!

"Do not be afraid, for I am with you;
I will bring your children from the east
and gather you from the west."
Isaiah 43:5


  1. August is Hannah month, August is Hannah month, August is Hannah month!
    I can hardly believe it and I am so excited! I can only imagine how excited you must be! ONE lonely little bead!

  2. I am LIKING that ONE little stone!!!

    My stomach is flip flopping for you and I am so excited!!!

    Now it it time for the next batch of rumours. If I thought I was addicted to RQ before, well I am going to wear out the REFRESH key for the next few weeks!!

  3. It feels so unreal to me to finally be seeing you SO CLOSE to bringing Hannah home!! It's the best news ever!!!

    What an exciting time these next few months are going to be for you!!! CRAZY awesome!!!

  4. I know you don't know me, but I thought you'd like to know that there are people all over the world thinking of you. As soon as I saw the cut off date, I thought of you and Hannah. I will be watching for your news next month :)

  5. I CAN'T WAIT FOR AUGUST!!!!!!!!!
    I am SO excited for you and for all of the honorary Aunties who will have a new little niece to love!!!
    Counting down the days right with you, my friend! I think we're going to need A LOT more ice cream than that little container!!


  7. Just NOW painting Hannah's room? My gosh woman you have a lot to do to keep you busy over the next 3 to 4 weeks! LOL!

    I'm so very excited for you!!! This year has been sooooo much fun watching all of my girls get their referrals and bring their babies home. It makes the year seem to fly be all the quicker ... and helps make my own wait a little easier. :)

  8. YEAH!!!!!!

    I am so behind, so missed your post about being missed by one day. I am sad for you, but happy too. It's so wonderful to know that beyond a doubt you are next. I love that one little stone sitting there waiting all alone. It means SO much. You should keep that one somewhere special, even tuck it into your pocket and take it with you to China because ... it's the Hannah stone!!!!!

    This month will go by so fast and then (and really really) the months after your referral leading up to travel just zoom by. I could not believe how fast the time went (thank goodness, 'cause I was a basket case, lol).

    So excited for you,


  9. You have to keep that little stone! I mean after all this time that little guys been waiting out there in the bottom! I'm SO happy for you, no one deserves this more than you! (and by this I mean being NEXT, not missing the cut off by a month of course!) At least you have Hannahs room to keep you busy!

  10. Sorry July wasn't Hannah's month. But now you know for sure August will be her month!
    Can you believe it!...just one more month until you see your precious girls face for the first time...I'm so excited for you.

  11. YOU ARE NEXT!!!

    I'm sorry it wasn't this month, but


  12. One more month til Hannah's referral! What wonderful news. I have followed your blog for quite some time and I am so thrilled that your referral time is finally coming up. Come on August!

  13. You are NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!! It really is such a good feeling knowing for sure you are next. Just a few more weeks to go!

  14. August can not get here soon enough!!

    I love that little stone...even more when it is gone and there is an empty glass. Cause the joy will be overflowing with Hannah referral news!

    Keep smilin!

    P.S. That is also my fave ice cream!!!

  15. Let the nesting, painting and purchasing begin!

    YOU ARE NEXT!!!!!!

  16. I sooo cannot wait to see Ms. Hannah...
    Love ya girly..

  17. Yeah! I can't wait for August. I can feel the excitement already. You are NEXT!

  18. Doing the HAP HAP HAPPY dance for you too!

  19. I think I first read your blog about 2 and a half years ago when i started blogging, perhaps longer. I have stopped by every now and again but now it is an addiction. You truly are next and we, just like the rest of the world, cannot wait to see Hannah's face.
    You ARE next!
    Have fun this month, happy shopping and preparing.

  20. Yeah for August!!!


  21. You are so close to Hannah her heart is beating for you

  22. Woo hoo!!!
    I so hope that they will do a surprise batch, and you'll see Miss hannah's face really soon!
    It's happened before!

  23. Fly by days, please fly by fast so that Catherine can finally see her beautiful daughter's face. Pretty please with sugar on top.

  24. we are counting down the days with you.

  25. Fall in China is WONDERFUL!! Just think you missed that summer heat!!!
    Congratulations, you are almost there!!!

  26. I love seeing that single stone left in there!! August is Hannah month and how exciting is that! Counting the days with you, we can't wait!!! Hugs from both Mike and I.

  27. Hi! I missed it by one day back in 2006 and LOVED the feeling of KNOWING I was next! (I traveled with Julie to get Tess).

    Congrats to you! Can't wait to read about your baby next month!


  28. Hannah comes in August! I can't wait to see her pretty little cheeks. Catherine, I am thrilled for you. You have become an inspiration to me. I often dread the long wait ahead. My DH and I have only been logged in 11 months. So far for us to go. Reading your blog tells me to just keep waiting. Dreams do come true! I can't wait to hear all about the next part of your journey. The finish line is so close. Congratulations. xo Lisa

  29. So excited for you Catherine!!

    Been thinking of you lots!


  30. I am sooo happy to hear that you are doing much better. Get that lasst minute list done and have fun with it. If you need a packing list for China, just let me know. I have an awesome one that I used (and created ;0) and have shared it with many of my friends. I did carry only (I could never do that now with all the rules) but it still might help. Just send me an email if you want to look it over.

    YOU'RE NEXT!!!
    YOU'RE NEXT!!!
    YOU'RE NEXT!!!
    YOU'RE NEXT!!!
    YOU'RE NEXT!!!

  31. Yes Catherine, YOU ARE NEXT! I kept watching the rumors praying that the 23rd would be in and thinking about you. I was so disappointed that only 2 days were referred. My first thoughts were of you! I know the batch turned my world around but I hope you know that I will anxiously be waiting for that next batch to see Hannah!

  32. is SO soon! I can't believe it! I am soooo excited for you! WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. Will be rooting for you all month! Try to relax and enjoy the next 4 weeks, because before you know it it will be your turn to get "the call"!
    I'm praying for you and Hannah!


  34. How wonderful it will be when you and Hannah are united.

    Best wishes.

  35. God's timing is always best! Have been following your blog for quite some time and feel your anxiety and excitement! Looking forward to seeing Hannah's beautiful face in a few weeks!

  36. I had so hoped that you would get a July referral, but WOW you are NEXT!

    I can`t wait to see your little Hannah!

  37. Oh Catherine I am sooooo excited for you!! In a couple of weeks it will be Hannah month. I can't even imagine how excited you are - enjoy it!!

  38. And that is why I have been following your journey. You know how to turn lemons in to lemonade! :) Hurray for August aka Hannah month!!

  39. So wonderful. Thanks for always being a bright spot and never being negative. You will be a mother that every child should have.

  40. You have joined the ranks of the "missed it by one day" club! You are in very good company right along with us. At first I hated it, but then I loved KNOWING we were next. It's a wonderful feeling!

    Donna :)

  41. IT'S AUGUST!

    Found your blog courtesy of the Salsa Twins and have been following your story. Will be checking in daily to hear the news.



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