Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tips and Tricks: Shout Color Catchers

It seems lately that I’ve come across so many wonderful little Tips and Tricks that others have shared with me, or things that I just normally do that others like, that I've decided to post the occasional entry sharing these with you. Hopefully you’ll enjoy them too!

These handy dandy little sheets were introduced to me by the wonderful Mary-Mia. Having twins in the house you know that her washing machine is on duty pretty much every single day and often more that once!

Shout Color Catchers are designed to trap the loose dyes that may leave your clothing during the wash cycle and attack unsuspecting items such as socks! I’m guessing most of us have been victim to that! I still remember back in Bible College when the very first week one of the guys washed all his white socks and u-we@r with his brand new red sweatshirt! Yup…pink boxers and socks for Dan for the rest of the year! It sure made it easy for the rest of us to figure out who’d left their laundry in the laundry room.

When I was shopping on my way home from the airport last week I picked up a couple of boxes. (Normally between $3.00 and $4.00 for a box of 24 sheets. I found mine at Tar*jay on sale for $3.00/box.) I gave them a test drive last weekend when I washed a green and white tee, red tee, pink tee and blue tee all in the same load. Just threw in one of the ‘Shout Color Catcher’ sheets and it worked like a charm! (Recommend you use 2 sheets for a large load.) No bleeding of dyes and the colours were still bright and the whites still white! The colour catcher sheet had slightly changed colour so I knew that something had bled into the water but it had caught the dyes. Yay!

As I don’t do a lot of laundry…yet....these will come in very handy and save me washing only 1 or 2 items at a time.

Has anybody else tried them? What is your experience with them?


  1. Cool. thanks for the tip. My boys do their own laundry and have many a pink sock now. This may help.

  2. That is AWESOME! Briana has a couple of pair of pink socks thanks to mommy. Whoops! Great tip!

  3. Oh. So, not everything goes in with everything all the time? Sigh...I need help in this area...more tips, please. :)

  4. Never heard of these!!!! If I see them, I WILL get them, though. I'm a kind of "throw it all in the same load" gal. Shhhh...don't tell my mom. She taught me to separate everything.....

  5. I'm going to have to get me some of those!

  6. Nope . . . never tried them - but may have to get me some.

    Cool post - look forward to more tips and trips by Catherine.


  7. Wow, I'll have to look for some of those. I can't tell you how many times I've ruined something because one of Maddy's red t-shirts ended up in the wash when it wasn't supposed to. UGh! Thanks for the tip.

  8. Hsve just put these little babies on this weeks shopping list...thanks for the tip!

    I love this post....keep them coming!


  9. I had no idea such genius existed. So sad since now Lia will have to endure a purple-y kind of bath mat now that I stupidly washed it with the blue bath mat....oh the grief these little babies could have saved....

    On my list too!

  10. Today, my first day, I learned the butt trick for the carseats... demontrated by BOTH twins. Equal oppurtunity trainer for the twins.... I guess this little secret might be a good lesson for another day.... SHhhhh, don't tell the twinadors I learned this from you already!
    I am honored to be sleeping in Cafreen's room and bed. I think I just might move in here.

  11. Sounds like a good product!

  12. oh yeah we have this trouble......and the laundry never ends here............

  13. Great tip! LiLi has a couple of purple undies because of one blue sock! I can't wait to try it out. By the way, you were really brave to do the test for all of us.

    Sharyn (LiLi's mom)

  14. I've heard of these and have also been curious if they actually work.


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