Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Children’s Choir

Each Sunday evening Hannah goes to the children’s choir at our church while I attend a small group Bible study.  At first it was a little tough to give up our Sunday evenings together but we soon connected with the people in choir and the small group and now look forward to this time!  Hannah enjoys the choir and we also take one of her little friends that she attended JK and SK with so it’s neat to keep up that friendship now that they go to different schools.  I am finding the connection of a small group to be wonderful and not only are the adults learning, growing and getting to know one another but the kids are too.  When we’re all together at a social there are over 40 of us and we have a blast together!  So thankful for these friendships that are growing for both of us.

The children recently presented their spring musical and it was such a treat to watch and hear Hannah sing!  She was nervous beforehand but I could tell by her face that she was really enjoying herself!IMG_0781

As summer draws near we’re enjoying our quieter Sunday evenings but it will be great to get back to children’s choir and small group in the fall.

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