Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Bit of This and A Bit of That

I was going through some recent pics and found a bunch that don’t really match one another so we decided to toss them into a post.

Question:  What do you do when you clean out your freezer and end up with 70 Ziploc containers to wash?  Why, put them in the washing machine! Smile   After that I washed them a 2nd time by hand but it was an easy way to do the initial cleaning.  Heh!  Necessity is the mother of invention!  What funny/unusual thing have you done to get a job completed around the house?IMG_8073

This sight is becoming more common around my house and it’s just one of the many ways I watch her growing up before my very eyes.  Sometimes she’ll sit with her legs crossed.  Already?  No!!!IMG_8118

On Thanksgiving Monday our family was together at my parent’s place.  Hannah and her 7yo cousin Shelby had fun playing together.   Shelby wrote down what Hannah asked her to write.   Such a sweet moment and I love what was on her heart.


(Interpretation:  Thank you for everything God.  I love God)

One job that Hannah takes very seriously is her role of walking GG to his place at the table for Sunday lunch.  Once we’re all sitting down she reminds us that GG will be the one to say Grace.  Oh how I love to hear Grandpa pray!!!IMG_8147

We’d been home less than 24 hours back in November of 2009 when we were at Nana’s house for our first Sunday lunch.  This tradition continues to be a weekly treat that Hannah and I look forward to every single week. 

Lunch with Nana the day after we came home from China.Imported Photos 00034

Lunch now.  Such a precious relationship they share!IMG_8148

Stickers are still something she plays with every single day!  I’m so thankful that early on she learned that stickers can go on people and paper.  This day – it was people!IMG_8257

The aftermath of the Frankenstorm that hit our playroom when Hannah had a few little friends over to play!  They had fun though and that’s all that matters,IMG_8281

(I’m having a real problem with pictures on my Canon S95 being over exposed when the flash is used.  Any tips out there from those in the know?)

Dressed for church wearing one of Ro’s old Easter dresses and coats.  Beautiful!IMG_8285

When I looked in the rear view mirror Sunday afternoon what I saw made me smile.  Hannah never took a pacifier but has always had a few ‘pacies’ in her toy bins that the plays with occasionally.  It was a funny surprise to see she’d fallen asleep with this one in her mouth.  I think it may be the only time she’s fallen asleep with a pacifier!IMG_8306

At her friend Isaiah’s birthday party she literally flew down the slide and off the end…and then ran back to do it again! 



  1. I love the picture of Hannah as a baby! Look at her smiling already, one day after getting home!

  2. I'm having the same prob with my S95, and other things. I think I despise both of those cameras (S90 and S95). Bleck. I just want a purse camera that takes pics like my old Powershot did.

    Hannah looks adorable in the little coat and dress. Fun!

  3. Fun post - catching up on all those pics you meant to post along the way. Cute to see Hannah crossing her legs just like Mommy - all grown up. And then to see the pacifier - wanting to still be Mommy's baby. And I'm glad to see our playroom isn't the only one that looks like a tornado hit! I guess it's a sign of kids having fun!

  4. I lOVE the baby Hannah pic! AWWWWW....

  5. Great post, catching up on miscellaneous moments. I can't believe how grown up Hannah looks with her legs crossed.

    Yikes! 70 containers! I would never have thought of putting them in the washer--good thinking. Containers seem to go in cycles at our house--first you don't have enough, so you have to purchase more and then somehow some of the lids go missing; then you have a ton of them, and there's not enough room to store them in the cupboard.

    Enjoy the beautiful sunny day today.


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